Luc Renambot presents SAGE2 at the “Node.js Live” event in Chicago to the Node.js community.

SAGE2 is a Node.js and browser-based environment that creates a seamless ultra-high resolution desktop across display wall (one to many displays). Users can wirelessly connect to the wall to interact with the system, transfer documents, manipulate applications and share their screen. Data visualization applications can be created quickly using 3rd party library such as D3.js, Snap, Vega, WebGL, and be integrated into the SAGE2 API. We will present our experience using Nodejs for this academic research environment.

Luc Renambot is a Research Associate Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His research at the Electronic Visualization Laboratory focuses on interaction and collaboration using advanced visualization displays and high-speed networking.

Slides: nodejs-live-chicago-2016.pdf




SAGE2 Presented at “Node.js Live” Event in Chicago
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