JULY 3, 2017 — Maxine Brown, director of the UIC Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL), participated in the Brazilian Symposium on Collaborative Systems (SBSC – Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos), which was part of the Brazilian Computer Society general conference and held on the campus of Mackenzie Presbyterian University in São Paulo, Brazil.
Brown was invited by long-time collaborator Jane de Almeida, co-chair of SBSC, director of Mackenzie’s LabCine (Laboratório de Artes Cinemáticas e Visualização) and a long-time SAGE2 user. De Almeida felt that the audience, primarily academic and industrial researchers and graduate students, would find EVL’s research in computer-supported collaborative work, particularly SAGE2, of interest. Brown gave the keynote “Insight Through Images: Visualization and Collaboration Technologies for Exploring Big Data.” She also participated in a panel discussion “The next 10 years of collaborative systems,” toured the LabCine, and gave a videotaped interview on her impressions of the conference and thoughts about the future.
The SBSC agenda can be found at: http://csbc2017.mackenzie.br/eventos/14-sbsc