APRIL 30 – MAY 1, 2018. Maxine Brown, co-Principal Investigator of the NSF SAGE2™ award and director of the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), attended the 2018 NSF Software Infrastructure for Sustained Innovation
CyberCANOE Club Provides Forum for Hawaiians to Collaborate and Share Best Practices Regarding Tiled Displays and SAGE2™
NOVEMBER 27, 2017 — The Laboratory for Advanced Visualization & Applications (LAVA) at University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa and one of the lead development teams for SAGE2™, hosted a CyberCANOE Club meeting on November 27. The CyberCANOE, which stands for
SAGE2 v3 ‘Waipiʻo’ release coming soon
This week the SAGE2 team will be releasing the next version of SAGE2 version 3 called ‘Waipiʻo’.
Security document
The SAGE2 team put together a quick summary of the security options for SAGE2.
SAGE2 Survey 2017 Results
We conducted a short survey a few weeks ago. Here is a summary of the results we collected. Thank you for your participation.
The Tale of the CyberCANOE
The Cyber-enabled Collaboration Analysis Navigation and Observation Environment:
SAGE2 V1.0 Koʻolau Released
Get your Windows all-in-one installer at http://sage2.sagecommons.org/v1-release/ or check the sources at https://bitbucket.org/sage2/sage2 (git checkout v1.0.0-Koolau)
Chinese Officials Train in Data Visualization as Part of Executive IT Program in Mānoa
November 16, 2015 – The Laboratory for Advanced Visualization and Applications (lava.hawaii.edu) delivered a day-long tutorial on data visualization to 24 participants from the China Guangdong Department of Human Resource and Social Security who attended as part of the World
LAVA Lab Releases Video Tutorial Series on Using SAGE2
Upgrading EVL’s 18-screen wall to a single PC
This summer, EVL updated their classroom wall computer. Here is a short report about it (PDF version: ).