September 11-14, 2019 (PRAGMA 37). The PRAGMA organization (Pacific Rim Applications and Grid Middleware Assembly) held its 37th bi-annual meeting in San Diego, California.
Maxine Brown attended; she is a founding member of PRAGMA and an Ex-Officio Members of the Steering Committee. SAGE2 advancements were developed and presented by user sites:
CyberCANOE and SAGE2 Training WorkshopJason Haga (AIST, Japan) and Prapaporn (Nan) Rattanatamrong (Thammasat University, Thailand), “CyberCANOE and SAGE2 Training Workshop,”
Student WorkshopMichael Elliott, James Beach, C.J. Grady, Aimee Stewart, José Fortes, “Lifemapper on SAGE2,” presentation:
Demo Session IMichael Elliott, James Beach, C.J. Grady, Aimee Stewart, José Fortes, “Lifemapper on SAGE2,” presentation:
Student Lightening Talks and Posters
- Michael Elliott, José Fortes, University of Florida; James Beach, C.J. Grady, Aimee Stewart, University of Kansas; “Lifemapper on SAGE2,” poster:
- Nasorn Niampradit, Wudhichart Sawangphol, Assadarat Khurat, Mahidol University; Jason Haga, AIST; “Security Data Visualization on SAGE2,” poster:
- Sirasit Prinyawithit, Vasaka Visoottiviseth, Mahidol University; Jason Haga, AIST; “Digital Poster Management Application on SAGE2,” poster: