API Docs for: 2.0.0


// SAGE2 is available for use under the SAGE2 Software License
// University of Illinois at Chicago's Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL)
// and University of Hawai'i at Manoa's Laboratory for Advanced Visualization and
// Applications (LAVA)
// See full text, terms and conditions in the LICENSE.txt included file
// Copyright (c) 2014

/* global Pointer, dataSharingPortals, createDrawingElement, RadialMenu, d3 */

"use strict";

 * Building the display background and elememnts
 * @module client
 * @submodule UIBuilder

* Constructor for UIBuilder object
* @class UIBuilder
* @constructor
* @param json_cfg {Object} configuration structure
* @param clientID {Number} ID of the display client (-1, 0, ...N)
function UIBuilder(json_cfg, clientID) {

	// Save the wall configuration object
	this.json_cfg = json_cfg;
	this.clientID = clientID;
	// set the default style sheet
	this.csssheet = "css/style.css";
	// Objects for the UI
	this.upperBar = null;
	this.clock    = null;

	// Variables
	this.offsetX        = null;
	this.offsetY        = null;
	this.titleBarHeight = null;
	this.titleTextSize  = null;
	this.pointerWidth   = null;
	this.pointerHeight  = null;
	this.pointerOffsetX = null;
	this.pointerOffsetY = null;
	this.noDropShadow   = null;
	this.uiHidden       = null;

	// Aspect ratio of the wall and the browser
	this.wallRatio      = null;
	this.browserRatio   = null;
	this.ratio          = "fit";
	this.scale          = 1;

	this.drawingSvg = null;
	this.pointerItems   = {};
	this.radialMenus    = {};

	// Get handle on the main div
	this.bg   = document.getElementById("background");
	this.main = document.getElementById("main");

	* Build the background image/color
	* @method background
	this.background = function() {
		var _this = this;

		// background color
		if (typeof this.json_cfg.background.color !== "undefined" && this.json_cfg.background.color !== null) {
			this.bg.style.backgroundColor = this.json_cfg.background.color;
		} else {
			this.bg.style.backgroundColor = "#000000";

		// Set at the bottom of the stack
		this.bg.style.zIndex = 0;

		// Setup the clipping size
		if (this.clientID === -1) {
			// set the resolution to be the whole display wall
			var wallWidth  = this.json_cfg.resolution.width  * this.json_cfg.layout.columns;
			var wallHeight = this.json_cfg.resolution.height * this.json_cfg.layout.rows;
			this.wallRatio = wallWidth / wallHeight;

			document.body.style.overflow = "scroll";

			this.bg.style.width    = wallWidth  + "px";
			this.bg.style.height   = wallHeight + "px";
			this.bg.style.overflow = "hidden";

			// put the scale up to the top left
			this.bg.style.webkitTransformOrigin = "0% 0%";
			this.bg.style.mozTransformOrigin = "0% 0%";
			this.bg.style.transformOrigin = "0% 0%";

			// calculate the scale ratio to make it fit
			this.browserRatio = document.documentElement.clientWidth / document.documentElement.clientHeight;
			var newratio;
			if (this.wallRatio >= this.browserRatio) {
				newratio = document.documentElement.clientWidth / wallWidth;
			} else {
				newratio = document.documentElement.clientHeight / wallHeight;
			this.bg.style.webkitTransform = "scale(" + (newratio) + ")";
			this.bg.style.mozTransform    = "scale(" + (newratio) + ")";
			this.bg.style.transform       = "scale(" + (newratio) + ")";

			this.main.style.width  = wallWidth  + "px";
			this.main.style.height = wallHeight + "px";

			window.onresize = function() {
				// recalculate after every window resize
				_this.browserRatio = document.documentElement.clientWidth / document.documentElement.clientHeight;
				if (_this.ratio === "fit") {
					var newr;
					if (_this.wallRatio >= _this.browserRatio) {
						newr = document.documentElement.clientWidth / wallWidth;
					} else {
						newr = document.documentElement.clientHeight / wallHeight;
					_this.bg.style.webkitTransform = "scale(" + (newr) + ")";
					_this.bg.style.mozTransform    = "scale(" + (newr) + ")";
					_this.bg.style.transform       = "scale(" + (newr) + ")";
					_this.scale = newr;
					// Rescale the box around the pointers
					for (var key in _this.pointerItems) {
						var ptr = _this.pointerItems[key];
			window.onkeydown = function(event) {
				// keycode: f
				if (event.keyCode === 70) {
					if (_this.ratio === "fit") {
						_this.bg.style.webkitTransform = "scale(1)";
						_this.bg.style.mozTransform = "scale(1)";
						_this.bg.style.transform = "scale(1)";
						_this.ratio = "full";
						_this.scale = 1;
					} else if (_this.ratio === "full") {
						var newr;
						if (_this.wallRatio >= _this.browserRatio) {
							newr = document.documentElement.clientWidth / wallWidth;
						} else {
							newr = document.documentElement.clientHeight / wallHeight;
						_this.scale = newr;
						_this.bg.style.webkitTransform = "scale(" + _this.scale + ")";
						_this.bg.style.mozTransform    = "scale(" + _this.scale + ")";
						_this.bg.style.transform       = "scale(" + _this.scale + ")";
						_this.ratio = "fit";
					// Rescale the box around the pointers
					for (var key in _this.pointerItems) {
						var ptr = _this.pointerItems[key];
					// This somehow forces a reflow of the div and show the scrollbars as needed
					// Needed with chrome v36
					_this.bg.style.display = 'none';
					_this.bg.style.display = 'block';
			// show the cursor in this mode
			document.body.style.cursor = "initial";
			// Trigger an initial resize
		} else {
			document.body.style.backgroundColor = "#000000";
			this.bg.style.backgroundColor = this.json_cfg.background.color || "#333333";
			this.bg.style.top    = "0px";
			this.bg.style.left   = "0px";
			this.bg.style.width  = this.json_cfg.resolution.width * (this.json_cfg.displays[this.clientID].width || 1) + "px";
			this.bg.style.height = this.json_cfg.resolution.height * (this.json_cfg.displays[this.clientID].height || 1) + "px";

			this.main.style.width  = this.json_cfg.resolution.width * (this.json_cfg.displays[this.clientID].width || 1) + "px";
			this.main.style.height = this.json_cfg.resolution.height * (this.json_cfg.displays[this.clientID].height || 1) + "px";

			if (this.json_cfg.background.image !== undefined &&
				this.json_cfg.background.image.url !== undefined &&
				!__SAGE2__.browser.isMobile) {
				var bgImg = new Image();
				bgImg.addEventListener('load', function() {
					if (_this.json_cfg.background.image.style === "tile") {
						var top = -1 * (_this.offsetY % bgImg.naturalHeight);
						var left = -1 * (_this.offsetX % bgImg.naturalWidth);

						_this.bg.style.top    = top.toString() + "px";
						_this.bg.style.left   = left.toString() + "px";
						var tileW = _this.json_cfg.resolution.width *
							(_this.json_cfg.displays[_this.clientID].width || 1);
						var tileH = _this.json_cfg.resolution.height *
							(_this.json_cfg.displays[_this.clientID].height || 1);
						tileW -= left;
						tileH -= top;
						_this.bg.style.width  = tileW + "px";
						_this.bg.style.height = tileH + "px";

						_this.bg.style.backgroundImage    = "url(" + _this.json_cfg.background.image.url + ")";
						_this.bg.style.backgroundPosition = "top left";
						_this.bg.style.backgroundRepeat   = "repeat";
						_this.bg.style.backgroundSize     = bgImg.naturalWidth + "px " + bgImg.naturalHeight + "px";

						_this.main.style.top    = (-1 * top).toString()  + "px";
						_this.main.style.left   = (-1 * left).toString() + "px";
						_this.main.style.width  = _this.json_cfg.resolution.width *
							(_this.json_cfg.displays[_this.clientID].width || 1)  + "px";
						_this.main.style.height = _this.json_cfg.resolution.height *
							(_this.json_cfg.displays[_this.clientID].height || 1) + "px";
					} else {
						var bgImgFinal;
						var ext = _this.json_cfg.background.image.url.lastIndexOf(".");
						if (_this.json_cfg.background.image.style === "fit" &&
								(bgImg.naturalWidth !== _this.json_cfg.totalWidth ||
								bgImg.naturalHeight !== _this.json_cfg.totalHeight)) {
							bgImgFinal = _this.json_cfg.background.image.url.substring(0, ext) + "_" + _this.clientID + ".png";
						} else {
							bgImgFinal = _this.json_cfg.background.image.url.substring(0, ext) + "_" + _this.clientID +

						_this.bg.style.top    = 0;
						_this.bg.style.left   = 0;
						_this.bg.style.width  = _this.json_cfg.resolution.width *
							(_this.json_cfg.displays[_this.clientID].width || 1) + "px";
						_this.bg.style.height = _this.json_cfg.resolution.height *
							(_this.json_cfg.displays[_this.clientID].height || 1) + "px";

						_this.bg.style.backgroundImage    = "url(" + bgImgFinal + ")";
						_this.bg.style.backgroundPosition = "top left";
						_this.bg.style.backgroundRepeat   = "no-repeat";
						_this.bg.style.backgroundSize     = _this.json_cfg.resolution.width *
							(_this.json_cfg.displays[_this.clientID].width || 1) + "px " +
							_this.json_cfg.resolution.height * (_this.json_cfg.displays[_this.clientID].height || 1) + "px";

						_this.main.style.top    = 0;
						_this.main.style.left   = 0;
						_this.main.style.width  = _this.json_cfg.resolution.width *
							(_this.json_cfg.displays[_this.clientID].width || 1)  + "px";
						_this.main.style.height = _this.json_cfg.resolution.height *
							(_this.json_cfg.displays[_this.clientID].height || 1) + "px";
				}, false);
				bgImg.src = this.json_cfg.background.image.url;

			if (this.json_cfg.background.clip !== undefined && this.json_cfg.background.clip === true) {
				this.bg.style.overflow = "hidden";
				this.main.style.overflow = "hidden";

	* Buidling the UI for the display
	* @method build
	this.build = function() {
		console.log("Buidling the UI for the display");

		if (this.clientID === -1) {
			this.offsetX = 0;
			this.offsetY = 0;
			this.width   = this.json_cfg.totalWidth;
			this.height  = this.json_cfg.totalHeight;
			this.titleBarHeight = this.json_cfg.ui.titleBarHeight;
			this.titleTextSize  = this.json_cfg.ui.titleTextSize;
			this.pointerWidth   = this.json_cfg.ui.pointerSize * 3;
			this.pointerHeight  = this.json_cfg.ui.pointerSize;
			this.widgetControlSize = this.json_cfg.ui.widgetControlSize;
			this.pointerOffsetX = Math.round(0.27917 * this.pointerHeight);
			this.pointerOffsetY = Math.round(0.24614 * this.pointerHeight);
		} else {
			// Position of the tile
			var x = this.json_cfg.displays[this.clientID].column;
			var y = this.json_cfg.displays[this.clientID].row;
			// Calculate offsets for borders
			var borderx  = (x + 1) * this.json_cfg.resolution.borders.left + x * this.json_cfg.resolution.borders.right;
			var bordery  = (y + 1) * this.json_cfg.resolution.borders.top  + y * this.json_cfg.resolution.borders.bottom;

			// Overlapping tile dimension in pixels to allow edge blending
			// converted to negative values
			// code provided by Larse Bilke
			// larsbilke83@gmail.com
			if (this.json_cfg.dimensions.tile_overlap.horizontal !== 0 ||
				this.json_cfg.dimensions.tile_overlap.vertical !== 0) {
				borderx = -x * this.json_cfg.dimensions.tile_overlap.horizontal;
				bordery = -y * this.json_cfg.dimensions.tile_overlap.vertical;

			// Position offsets plus borders offsets
			this.offsetX = x * this.json_cfg.resolution.width  + borderx;
			this.offsetY = y * this.json_cfg.resolution.height + bordery;
			this.width   = this.json_cfg.displays[this.clientID].width  * this.json_cfg.resolution.width;
			this.height  = this.json_cfg.displays[this.clientID].height * this.json_cfg.resolution.height;
			this.titleBarHeight = this.json_cfg.ui.titleBarHeight;
			this.titleTextSize  = this.json_cfg.ui.titleTextSize;
			this.pointerWidth   = this.json_cfg.ui.pointerSize;
			this.pointerHeight  = this.json_cfg.ui.pointerSize;
			this.widgetControlSize = this.json_cfg.ui.widgetControlSize;
			this.pointerOffsetX = Math.round(0.27917 * this.pointerHeight);
			this.pointerOffsetY = Math.round(0.24614 * this.pointerHeight);
		if (this.json_cfg.ui.noDropShadow === true) {
			this.noDropShadow = true;
		} else {
			this.noDropShadow = false;

		// Build the upper bar
		this.upperBar    = document.createElement('div');
		this.upperBar.id = "upperBar";

		var textColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)";
		if (this.json_cfg.ui.menubar !== undefined && this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.textColor !== undefined) {
			textColor = this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.textColor;

		// time clock
		this.clock = document.createElement('p');
		this.clock.id  = "time";
		// machine name
		var machine = document.createElement('p');
		machine.id  = "machine";
		// version id
		var version = document.createElement('p');
		version.id  = "version";


		var backgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)";
		if (this.json_cfg.ui.menubar !== undefined && this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.backgroundColor !== undefined) {
			backgroundColor = this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.backgroundColor;

		this.upperBar.style.height = this.titleBarHeight.toString() + "px";
		this.upperBar.style.left   = "0px";
		this.upperBar.style.top    = -this.offsetY.toString() + "px";
		this.upperBar.style.zIndex = "9999";
		this.upperBar.style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;

		this.clock.style.position   = "absolute";
		this.clock.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
		this.clock.style.fontSize   = Math.round(this.titleTextSize) + "px";
		this.clock.style.color      = textColor;
		this.clock.style.left       = (-this.offsetX + this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		// center vertically: position top 50% and then translate by -50%
		this.clock.style.top        = "50%";
		this.clock.style.webkitTransform  = "translateY(-50%)";
		this.clock.style.mozTransform  = "translateY(-50%)";
		this.clock.style.transform  = "translateY(-50%)";

		machine.style.position   = "absolute";
		machine.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
		machine.style.fontSize   = Math.round(this.titleTextSize) + "px";
		machine.style.color      = textColor;
		machine.style.left       = (-this.offsetX + (6 * this.titleBarHeight)).toString() + "px";
		machine.style.top        = "50%";
		machine.style.webkitTransform  = "translateY(-50%)";
		machine.style.mozTransform  = "translateY(-50%)";
		machine.style.transform  = "translateY(-50%)";

		var rightOffset = this.offsetX - (this.json_cfg.totalWidth - this.width);

		version.style.position   = "absolute";
		version.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
		version.style.fontSize   = Math.round(this.titleTextSize) + "px";
		version.style.color      = textColor;
		if (this.clientID === -1) {
			version.style.right  = (6 * this.titleBarHeight) + "px";
		} else {
			version.style.right  = ((6 * this.titleBarHeight) + rightOffset).toString() + "px";
		version.style.top = "50%";
		version.style.webkitTransform = "translateY(-50%)";
		version.style.mozTransform = "translateY(-50%)";
		version.style.transform = "translateY(-50%)";

		// Load the logo (shown top left corner)
		var _this = this;
		Snap.load("images/EVL-LAVA.svg", function(f) {
			var logo = f.select("svg");
			logo.node.id = 'logo';

		// Load the background SVG if specified
		if (this.json_cfg.background.watermark !== undefined &&
			this.json_cfg.background.watermark.svg) {
			// Use snap to load the SVG
			Snap.load(this.json_cfg.background.watermark.svg, function(f) {
				var water = f.select("svg");
				water.node.id = 'watermark';

		if (this.json_cfg.ui.show_url) {
			var url   = this.json_cfg.host;
			var iport = this.json_cfg.port;
			if (iport !== 80) {
				url += ":" + iport;
			if (this.json_cfg.rproxy_secure_port !== undefined) {
				iport = this.json_cfg.rproxy_secure_port;
				url = window.location.hostname;
				if (iport !== 80) {
					url += ":" + iport;
				url += window.location.pathname;
			// if a URL was specified, just use it
			if (this.json_cfg.url) {
				url = this.json_cfg.url;
			// If the SAGE2 session is password protected, add a lock symbol
			if (this.json_cfg.passwordProtected) {
				// not portable: machine.innerHTML = url + " 🔒";
				machine.innerHTML = url + " <span><img style=\"vertical-align: text-top;\" src=\"images/lock.png\" height=" +
					this.titleTextSize + "/></span>";
			} else {
				machine.textContent = url;

		var dataSharingRequestDialog = document.createElement("div");
		dataSharingRequestDialog.id = "dataSharingRequestDialog";
		dataSharingRequestDialog.style.position = "absolute";
		dataSharingRequestDialog.style.top = (-this.offsetY + (2 * this.titleBarHeight)).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingRequestDialog.style.left = (-this.offsetX + (this.json_cfg.totalWidth / 2 -
			13 * this.titleBarHeight)).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingRequestDialog.style.width = (26 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingRequestDialog.style.height = (8 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingRequestDialog.style.webkitBoxSizing = "border-box";
		dataSharingRequestDialog.style.mozBoxSizing = "border-box";
		dataSharingRequestDialog.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
		dataSharingRequestDialog.style.backgroundColor =  "#666666";
		dataSharingRequestDialog.style.border =  "2px solid #000000";
		dataSharingRequestDialog.style.padding = (this.titleBarHeight / 4).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingRequestDialog.style.zIndex = 8999;
		dataSharingRequestDialog.style.display = "none";
		var dataSharingText = document.createElement("p");
		dataSharingText.id = "dataSharingRequestDialog_text";
		dataSharingText.textContent = "";
		dataSharingText.style.fontSize = Math.round(2 * this.titleTextSize) + "px";
		dataSharingText.style.color = "#FFFFFF";
		dataSharingText.style.marginBottom = (this.titleBarHeight / 4).toString() + "px";
		var dataSharingAccept = document.createElement("div");
		dataSharingAccept.id = "dataSharingRequestDialog_accept";
		dataSharingAccept.style.position = "absolute";
		dataSharingAccept.style.left = (this.titleBarHeight / 4).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingAccept.style.bottom = (this.titleBarHeight / 4).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingAccept.style.width = (9 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingAccept.style.height = (3 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingAccept.style.webkitBoxSizing = "border-box";
		dataSharingAccept.style.mozBoxSizing = "border-box";
		dataSharingAccept.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
		dataSharingAccept.style.backgroundColor =  "rgba(55, 153, 130, 1.0)";
		dataSharingAccept.style.border =  "2px solid #000000";
		dataSharingAccept.style.textAlign = "center";
		dataSharingAccept.style.lineHeight = (3 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		var dataSharingAcceptText = document.createElement("p");
		dataSharingAcceptText.id = "dataSharingRequestDialog_acceptText";
		dataSharingAcceptText.textContent = "Accept";
		dataSharingAcceptText.style.fontSize = Math.round(2 * this.titleTextSize) + "px";
		dataSharingAcceptText.style.color = "#FFFFFF";
		var dataSharingReject = document.createElement("div");
		dataSharingReject.id = "dataSharingRequestDialog_reject";
		dataSharingReject.style.position = "absolute";
		dataSharingReject.style.right = (this.titleBarHeight / 4).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingReject.style.bottom = (this.titleBarHeight / 4).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingReject.style.width = (9 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingReject.style.height = (3 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingReject.style.webkitBoxSizing = "border-box";
		dataSharingReject.style.mozBoxSizing = "border-box";
		dataSharingReject.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
		dataSharingReject.style.backgroundColor =  "rgba(173, 42, 42, 1.0)";
		dataSharingReject.style.border =  "2px solid #000000";
		dataSharingReject.style.textAlign = "center";
		dataSharingReject.style.lineHeight = (3 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		var dataSharingRejectText = document.createElement("p");
		dataSharingRejectText.id = "dataSharingRequestDialog_rejectText";
		dataSharingRejectText.textContent = "Reject";
		dataSharingRejectText.style.fontSize = Math.round(2 * this.titleTextSize) + "px";
		dataSharingRejectText.style.color = "#FFFFFF";

		var dataSharingWaitDialog = document.createElement("div");
		dataSharingWaitDialog.id = "dataSharingWaitDialog";
		dataSharingWaitDialog.style.position = "absolute";
		dataSharingWaitDialog.style.top = (-this.offsetY + (2 * this.titleBarHeight)).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingWaitDialog.style.left = (-this.offsetX + (this.json_cfg.totalWidth / 2 -
			13 * this.titleBarHeight)).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingWaitDialog.style.width = (26 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingWaitDialog.style.height = (8 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingWaitDialog.style.webkitBoxSizing = "border-box";
		dataSharingWaitDialog.style.mozBoxSizing = "border-box";
		dataSharingWaitDialog.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
		dataSharingWaitDialog.style.backgroundColor =  "#666666";
		dataSharingWaitDialog.style.border =  "2px solid #000000";
		dataSharingWaitDialog.style.padding = (this.titleBarHeight / 4).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingWaitDialog.style.zIndex = 8999;
		dataSharingWaitDialog.style.display = "none";
		var dataSharingWaitText = document.createElement("p");
		dataSharingWaitText.id = "dataSharingWaitDialog_text";
		dataSharingWaitText.textContent = "";
		dataSharingWaitText.style.fontSize = Math.round(2 * this.titleTextSize) + "px";
		dataSharingWaitText.style.color = "#FFFFFF";
		dataSharingWaitText.style.marginBottom = (this.titleBarHeight / 4).toString() + "px";
		var dataSharingCancel = document.createElement("div");
		dataSharingCancel.id = "dataSharingWaitDialog_cancel";
		dataSharingCancel.style.position = "absolute";
		dataSharingCancel.style.right = (this.titleBarHeight / 4).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingCancel.style.bottom = (this.titleBarHeight / 4).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingCancel.style.width = (9 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingCancel.style.height = (3 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		dataSharingCancel.style.webkitBoxSizing = "border-box";
		dataSharingCancel.style.mozBoxSizing = "border-box";
		dataSharingCancel.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
		dataSharingCancel.style.backgroundColor =  "rgba(173, 42, 42, 1.0)";
		dataSharingCancel.style.border =  "2px solid #000000";
		dataSharingCancel.style.textAlign = "center";
		dataSharingCancel.style.lineHeight = (3 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		var dataSharingCancelText = document.createElement("p");
		dataSharingCancelText.id = "dataSharingWaitDialog_cancelText";
		dataSharingCancelText.textContent = "Cancel";
		dataSharingCancelText.style.fontSize = Math.round(2 * this.titleTextSize) + "px";
		dataSharingCancelText.style.color = "#FFFFFF";

		var serverStatusDialog = this.buildMessageBox('serverStatusDialog', 'Server offline');

		var helpDialog = this.buildImageBox('helpDialog',
			"Mouse and keyboard operations and shortcuts");

		this.uiHidden = false;

	* Builds a box to display a message
	* @method buildMessageBox
	* @param id {String} DOM id of the element created
	* @param message {String} text to display
	this.buildMessageBox = function(id, message) {
		var newDialog = document.createElement("div");
		newDialog.id = id;
		newDialog.style.position = "absolute";
		newDialog.style.top  = (-this.offsetY + (2 * this.titleBarHeight)).toString() + "px";
		newDialog.style.left = (-this.offsetX + (this.json_cfg.totalWidth / 2 -
			13 * this.titleBarHeight)).toString() + "px";
		newDialog.style.width  = (26 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		newDialog.style.height = (8  * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		newDialog.style.webkitBoxSizing = "border-box";
		newDialog.style.mozBoxSizing    = "border-box";
		newDialog.style.boxSizing       = "border-box";
		newDialog.style.backgroundColor =  "#666666";
		newDialog.style.border  =  "2px solid #000000";
		newDialog.style.padding = (this.titleBarHeight / 4).toString() + "px";
		newDialog.style.zIndex  = 8999;
		newDialog.style.display = "none";
		var newDialogWaitText = document.createElement("p");
		newDialogWaitText.id = id + "_text";
		newDialogWaitText.textContent = "SAGE2 message";
		newDialogWaitText.style.fontSize = Math.round(1.8 * this.titleTextSize) + "px";
		newDialogWaitText.style.color = "#FFFFFF";
		newDialogWaitText.style.marginBottom = (this.titleBarHeight / 4).toString() + "px";
		var newDialogCancel = document.createElement("div");
		newDialogCancel.id  = id + "_cancel";
		newDialogCancel.style.position = "absolute";
		newDialogCancel.style.left   = (1.5 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		newDialogCancel.style.bottom = (this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		newDialogCancel.style.width  = (23 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		newDialogCancel.style.height = (3 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		newDialogCancel.style.webkitBoxSizing = "border-box";
		newDialogCancel.style.mozBoxSizing    = "border-box";
		newDialogCancel.style.boxSizing       = "border-box";
		newDialogCancel.style.backgroundColor =  "rgba(173, 42, 42, 1.0)";
		newDialogCancel.style.border     =  "2px solid #000000";
		newDialogCancel.style.textAlign  = "center";
		newDialogCancel.style.lineHeight = (3 * this.titleBarHeight).toString() + "px";
		var newDialogCancelText = document.createElement("p");
		newDialogCancelText.id = id + "_cancelText";
		newDialogCancelText.textContent = message;
		newDialogCancelText.style.fontSize = Math.round(2 * this.titleTextSize) + "px";
		newDialogCancelText.style.color = "#FFFFFF";

		return newDialog;

	* Builds a box to display an image
	* @method buildImageBox
	* @param id {String} DOM id of the element created
	* @param imgsrc {String} URL to the image
	* @param title {String} text above the image
	this.buildImageBox = function(id, imgsrc, title) {
		// width of the image on the wall
		var dw = this.json_cfg.totalWidth  * 0.50;

		var newDialog = document.createElement("div");
		newDialog.id = id;
		newDialog.style.position = "absolute";
		newDialog.style.top  = (-this.offsetY + (2 * this.titleBarHeight)).toString() + "px";
		newDialog.style.left = (-this.offsetX + (this.json_cfg.totalWidth / 2 - dw / 2)).toString() + "px";
		newDialog.style.width  = (dw).toString() + "px";
		newDialog.style.webkitBoxSizing = "border-box";
		newDialog.style.mozBoxSizing    = "border-box";
		newDialog.style.boxSizing       = "border-box";
		newDialog.style.backgroundColor =  "#666666";
		newDialog.style.border  =  "2px solid #000000";
		newDialog.style.padding = (this.titleBarHeight / 4).toString() + "px";
		newDialog.style.zIndex  = 8999;
		newDialog.style.display = "none";

		var newDialogCancel = document.createElement("div");
		newDialogCancel.id  = id + "_cancel";
		newDialogCancel.style.webkitBoxSizing = "border-box";
		newDialogCancel.style.mozBoxSizing    = "border-box";
		newDialogCancel.style.boxSizing       = "border-box";
		newDialogCancel.style.border          =  "2px solid #000000";
		newDialogCancel.style.textAlign       = "center";

		// Create a img element to display the image
		var newDialogImage = document.createElement("img");
		newDialogImage.id = id + "_img";
		// set the path to the image file
		newDialogImage.src = imgsrc;
		// set the width to the parent div
		newDialogImage.style.maxWidth = "100%";
		// height auto adjusts
		newDialogImage.style.height   = "auto";

		var newDialogWaitText = document.createElement("p");
		newDialogWaitText.id  = id + "_text";
		newDialogWaitText.textContent = title;
		newDialogWaitText.style.fontSize = Math.round(1.8 * this.titleTextSize) + "px";
		newDialogWaitText.style.color = "#FFFFFF";
		newDialogWaitText.style.marginBottom = (this.titleBarHeight / 4).toString() + "px";
		newDialogWaitText.style.textAlign  = "center";

		return newDialog;

	* Update the clock in the title bar
	* @method setTime
	* @param val {Date} new time from server
	this.setTime = function(val) {
		// must update date to construct based on (year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)
		var now;
		if (this.json_cfg.ui.clock === 12) {
			now = formatAMPM(val);
		} else {
			now = format24Hr(val);
		this.clock.textContent = now;

	* Show a dialog on the wall when there is an error
	* @method showError
	this.showError = function() {
		// show the div supporting the dialog
		document.getElementById('serverStatusDialog').style.display = "block";

	* Show some help
	* @method toggleHelp
	this.toggleHelp = function() {
		// show the div supporting the help image
		var diag = document.getElementById('helpDialog');
		if (diag.style.display === "none") {
			diag.style.display = "block";
		} else {
			diag.style.display = "none";

	* Update the version number in the title bar
	* @method updateVersionText
	* @param data {Object} new time from server
	this.updateVersionText = function(data) {
		if (this.json_cfg.ui.show_version) {
			var version = document.getElementById('version');
			if (data.branch && data.commit && data.date) {
				version.innerHTML = "<b>v" + data.base + "-" + data.branch + "-" + data.commit + "</b> ";
				version.innerHTML += data.date;
			} else {
				version.innerHTML = "<b>v" + data.base + "</b>";
			version.innerHTML += " [" + __SAGE2__.browser.browserType + "]";

	* Called when SVG logo file is finished loading
	* @method logoLoaded
	this.logoLoaded = function(evt) {
		var width;
		var height = 0.95 * this.titleBarHeight;

		// Set a default color in none specified
		var textColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)";
		if (this.json_cfg.ui.menubar !== undefined && this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.textColor !== undefined) {
			textColor = this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.textColor;

		// Get the loaded logo and change its color
		var logo = document.getElementById('logo');
		this.changeSVGColor(logo, "path", null, textColor);

		// Update the size to fit in the titlebar
		var rightOffset = this.offsetX - (this.json_cfg.totalWidth - this.width);

		var bbox = logo.getBBox();
		width = height * (bbox.width / bbox.height);
		logo.style.width    = width  + "px";
		logo.style.height   = height + "px";
		logo.style.position = "absolute";

		if (this.clientID === -1) {
			logo.style.right = this.titleBarHeight.toString() + "px";
		} else {
			logo.style.right = (this.titleBarHeight + rightOffset).toString() + "px";

		// Center the logo
		logo.style.top = "50%";
		logo.style.webkitTransform  = "translateY(-50%)";
		logo.style.mozTransform     = "translateY(-50%)";
		logo.style.transform        = "translateY(-50%)";

	* Called when SVG watermark file is finished loading
	* @method watermarkLoaded
	this.watermarkLoaded = function() {
		var width;
		var height;
		var watermark = document.getElementById('watermark');
		var bbox = watermark.getBBox();
		if (bbox.width / bbox.height >= this.json_cfg.totalWidth / this.json_cfg.totalHeight) {
			width  = this.json_cfg.totalWidth / 2;
			height = width * bbox.height / bbox.width;
		} else {
			height = this.json_cfg.totalHeight / 2;
			width  = height * bbox.width / bbox.height;
		watermark.style.width  = width  + 'px';
		watermark.style.height = height + 'px';

		// Also hide the cursor on top of the SVG (doesnt inherit from style body)
		if (this.clientID !== -1) {
			watermark.style.cursor = "none";
		if (this.json_cfg.background.watermark.color) {
			this.changeSVGColor(watermark, "path", null, this.json_cfg.background.watermark.color);

		watermark.style.opacity  = 0.4;
		watermark.style.position = "absolute";
		watermark.style.left     = ((this.json_cfg.totalWidth  / 2) - (width  / 2) - this.offsetX).toString() + "px";
		watermark.style.top      = ((this.json_cfg.totalHeight / 2) - (height / 2) - this.offsetY).toString() + "px";
		watermark.style.zIndex   = -1;

	* Change stroke and fill color of SVG elements
	* @method changeSVGColor
	* @param svgItem {Element} base node
	* @param elementType {String} type of SVG element to update
	* @param strokeColor {String} stroke color
	* @param fillColor {String} fill color
	this.changeSVGColor = function(svgItem, elementType, strokeColor, fillColor) {
		var elements = svgItem.querySelectorAll(elementType);
		for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
			if (strokeColor) {
				elements[i].style.stroke = strokeColor;
			if (fillColor) {
				elements[i].style.fill   = fillColor;

	this.drawingInit = function(data) {
		if (!this.drawingSvg) {
			this.drawingSvg = d3.select("#main").append("svg").attr("id", "drawingSVG");
			this.drawingSvg.attr("height", parseInt(this.main.style.height));
			this.drawingSvg.attr("width", parseInt(this.main.style.width));
			this.drawingSvg.style("position", "absolute");
			this.drawingSvg.style("z-index", "3").style("visibility", "hidden");

		var r = this.drawingSvg.append("rect").attr("width", parseInt(this.main.style.width));
		r.attr("height", parseInt(this.main.style.height) * 0.1);
		r.attr("y", parseInt(this.main.style.height) * 0.9);
		r.attr("fill", "white").style("opacity", 0.2);
		this.drawingSvg.append("text").style("dominant-baseline", "middle").style("text-anchor", "middle")
			.text("Tap here to recall the palette")
			.attr("x", parseInt(this.main.style.width) * 0.5).attr("y", parseInt(this.main.style.height) * 0.925)
			.attr("fill", "white")
			.style("font-family", "arial").style("font-size", "5vmin").style("opacity", 0.2);
		for (var d in data) {
			var drawing = data[d];

	* Draws a drawing object gotten from the server to the tile's drawingSvg
	* @method drawObject
	* @param drawingObject {object} drawing object
	this.drawObject = function(drawingObject) {
		var newDraw, s;
		if (this.drawingSvg) {
			if (drawingObject.type == "path") {
				newDraw = d3.select("#drawingSVG").append("path").attr("id", drawingObject.id);
				for (s in drawingObject.style) {
					newDraw.style(s, drawingObject.style[s]);
				var lineFunction = d3.line().x(function(d) {
					return d.x;
				}).y(function(d) {
					return d.y;
				newDraw.attr("d", lineFunction(drawingObject.options.points));

			if (drawingObject.type == "circle") {
				newDraw = d3.select("#drawingSVG").append("circle").attr("id", drawingObject.id);
				for (s in drawingObject.style) {
					if (s != "stroke-width") {
						newDraw.style(s, drawingObject.style[s]);
				var point = drawingObject.options.points[0];
				var r = parseInt(drawingObject.style["stroke-width"]) / 2 + "px" || "3px";
				var fill = drawingObject.style.stroke || "white";
				newDraw.attr("cx", point.x).attr("cy", point.y).attr("r", r).style("fill", fill);
			if (drawingObject.type == "rect") {
				newDraw = d3.select("#drawingSVG").append("rect").attr("id", drawingObject.id);
				for (s in drawingObject.style) {
					newDraw.style(s, drawingObject.style[s]);
				var start = drawingObject.options.points[0];
				var end = drawingObject.options.points[1];
				var w = end.x - start.x;
				var h = end.y - start.y;
				newDraw.attr("x", start.x).attr("y", start.y).attr("width", w).attr("height", h);

				var lw = w * 0.1;
				var lh = h * 0.1;
				var lx = w - lw;
				var ly = h - lh;

				d3.select("#drawingSVG").append("rect").attr("id", drawingObject.id + "b")
					.attr("x", start.x + lx).attr("y", start.y + ly)
					.attr("width", lw).attr("height", lh)
					.attr("fill", "white").style("opacity", 0.2);


	* update a drawing object already drawn in the drawingSvg
	* @method updateObject
	* @param drawingObject {object} drawing object
	this.updateObject = function(drawingObject) {
		var toUpdate;
		if (!d3.select("#" + drawingObject.id).empty()) {
			if (this.drawingSvg) {

				toUpdate = d3.select("#" + drawingObject.id);

				// If drawing changed type redraw it
				if (drawingObject.type != toUpdate.node().tagName.toLowerCase()) {

				if (drawingObject.type == "circle") {
					var point = drawingObject.options.points[0];
					toUpdate.attr("cx", point.x).attr("cy", point.y);

				if (drawingObject.type == "path") {

					var lineFunction = d3.line()
						.x(function(d) {
							return d.x;
						.y(function(d) {
							return d.y;

					toUpdate.attr("d", lineFunction(drawingObject.options.points));
				if (drawingObject.type == "rect") {

					d3.select("#" + drawingObject.id + "b").remove();
		} else {

	this.removeObject = function(group) {
		for (var i in group) {
			var drawingObject = group[i];
			d3.select("#" + drawingObject.id).remove();

	* Create a pointer
	* @method createSagePointer
	* @param pointer_data {Object} pointer information
	this.createSagePointer = function(pointer_data) {
		if (this.pointerItems.hasOwnProperty(pointer_data.id)) {

		var pointerElem = document.createElement('div');
		pointerElem.id  = pointer_data.id;
		pointerElem.className  = "pointerItem";
		pointerElem.style.zIndex = 10000;

		if (pointer_data.portal !== undefined && pointer_data.portal !== null) {
			pointerElem.style.left = (-this.pointerOffsetX).toString() + "px";
			pointerElem.style.top = (-this.pointerOffsetY).toString()  + "px";
			document.getElementById(pointer_data.portal + "_overlay").appendChild(pointerElem);
		} else {
			pointerElem.style.left = (-this.pointerOffsetX - this.offsetX).toString() + "px";
			pointerElem.style.top = (-this.pointerOffsetY - this.offsetY).toString()  + "px";

		var ptr = new Pointer();
		ptr.init(pointerElem.id, pointer_data.label, pointer_data.color, this.pointerWidth, this.pointerHeight);

		if (pointer_data.visible) {
			pointerElem.style.display = "block";
			ptr.isShown = true;
		} else {
			pointerElem.style.display = "none";
			ptr.isShown = false;

		// keep track of the pointers
		this.pointerItems[pointerElem.id] = ptr;

	* Show the pointer: change CSS values, update position, label and color
	* @method showSagePointer
	* @param pointer_data {Object} pointer information
	this.showSagePointer = function(pointer_data) {
		var pointerElem = document.getElementById(pointer_data.id);
		var translate;
		if (pointer_data.portal !== undefined && pointer_data.portal !== null) {
			var left = pointer_data.left * dataSharingPortals[pointer_data.portal].scaleX;
			var top = pointer_data.top * dataSharingPortals[pointer_data.portal].scaleY;
			translate = "translate(" + left + "px," + top + "px)";
		} else {
			translate = "translate(" + pointer_data.left + "px," + pointer_data.top + "px)";

		pointerElem.style.display = "block";
		pointerElem.style.webkitTransform = translate;
		pointerElem.style.mozTransform    = translate;
		pointerElem.style.transform       = translate;

		// Rescale the box around the pointer

		this.pointerItems[pointerElem.id].isShown = true;

	* Hide a pointer
	* @method hideSagePointer
	* @param pointer_data {Object} pointer information
	this.hideSagePointer = function(pointer_data) {
		var pointerElem = document.getElementById(pointer_data.id);
		pointerElem.style.display = "none";
		this.pointerItems[pointerElem.id].isShown = false;

	* Move a pointer using CSS
	* @method updateSagePointerPosition
	* @param pointer_data {Object} pointer information
	this.updateSagePointerPosition = function(pointer_data) {
		if (this.pointerItems[pointer_data.id].isShown) {
			var pointerElem = document.getElementById(pointer_data.id);

			var translate;
			if (pointer_data.portal !== undefined && pointer_data.portal !== null) {
				var left = pointer_data.left * dataSharingPortals[pointer_data.portal].scaleX;
				var top = pointer_data.top * dataSharingPortals[pointer_data.portal].scaleY;
				translate = "translate(" + left + "px," + top + "px)";
			} else {
				translate = "translate(" + pointer_data.left + "px," + pointer_data.top + "px)";

			requestAnimationFrame(function() {
				pointerElem.style.webkitTransform = translate;
				pointerElem.style.mozTransform    = translate;
				pointerElem.style.transform       = translate;

	* Switch between window and application interaction mode
	* @method changeSagePointerMode
	* @param pointer_data {Object} pointer information
	this.changeSagePointerMode = function(pointer_data) {

	* Create a radial menu
	* @method createRadialMenu
	* @param data {Object} menu data
	this.createRadialMenu = function(data) {
		var menuElem = document.getElementById(data.id + "_menu");
		if (!menuElem && this.radialMenus[data.id + "_menu"] === undefined) {
			var radialMenuContentWindowDiv = document.createElement("div");

			radialMenuContentWindowDiv.id = data.id + "_menuDiv";
			radialMenuContentWindowDiv.style.width    = (data.radialMenuSize.x).toString() + "px";
			radialMenuContentWindowDiv.style.height   =  (data.radialMenuSize.y).toString() + "px";
			radialMenuContentWindowDiv.style.overflow = "hidden";
			radialMenuContentWindowDiv.style.position = "absolute";
			radialMenuContentWindowDiv.style.left     = (data.x - this.offsetX).toString() + "px";
			radialMenuContentWindowDiv.style.top      = (data.y - this.offsetY).toString() + "px";
			radialMenuContentWindowDiv.style.zIndex   = 9000;

			var menuElem1 = createDrawingElement(data.id + "_menu", "pointerItem",
				data.x  - this.offsetX, data.y - this.offsetY,
				data.radialMenuSize.x, data.radialMenuSize.y, 9000);
			var menuElem2 = createDrawingElement(data.id + "_menuWindow", "pointerItem",
				0, 0,
				data.radialMenuSize.x, data.radialMenuSize.y, 9001);
			var menuElem3 = createDrawingElement(data.id + "_menuWindow2", "pointerItem",
				data.x  - this.offsetX, data.y - this.offsetY,
				data.radialMenuSize.x, data.radialMenuSize.y, 9002);


			var rect = menuElem1.getBoundingClientRect();

			var menu = new RadialMenu();
			menu.init(data, menuElem2, menuElem3);

			menuElem1.style.left = (data.x - this.offsetX - menu.radialMenuCenter.x).toString() + "px";
			menuElem1.style.top  = (data.y - this.offsetY - menu.radialMenuCenter.y).toString() + "px";

			// Set initial thumbnail window position and size
			rect = menuElem1.getBoundingClientRect();
			menu.thumbnailWindowDiv.style.left = (rect.left + menu.thumbnailWindowPosition.x -
					18  * menu.radialMenuScale).toString() + "px";
			menu.thumbnailWindowDiv.style.top  = (rect.top + menu.thumbnailWindowPosition.y +
					menu.textHeaderHeight).toString() + "px";

			menu.thumbnailWindowDiv.style.width  = (menu.thumbnailWindowSize.x +
					menu.imageThumbSize / 2 - 10 - menu.radialMenuSize.x - 25 * menu.radialMenuScale).toString() + "px";
			menu.thumbnailWindowDiv.style.height = (menu.thumbnailWindowSize.y -
					menu.textHeaderHeight * 2).toString() + "px";

			// keep track of the menus
			this.radialMenus[data.id + "_menu"] = menu;
			this.radialMenus[data.id + "_menu"].draw();

			if (this.radialMenus[menuElem1.id].visible === false) {
				menuElem1.style.left = (data.x - this.offsetX - menu.radialMenuCenter.x).toString() + "px";
				menuElem1.style.top  = (data.y - this.offsetY - menu.radialMenuCenter.y).toString() + "px";
				this.radialMenus[menuElem1.id].visible = true;
				menuElem1.style.display = "block";


	* Update the radial menu state (visibility, position)
	* @method updateRadialMenu
	* @param data {Object} menu data
	this.updateRadialMenu = function(data) {
		var menuElem = document.getElementById(data.id + "_menu");

		if (menuElem !== null) {
			var menu = this.radialMenus[menuElem.id];
			if (data.visible === false) {
			} else {

				menuElem.style.display = "block";
				menu.thumbnailScrollWindowElement.style.display = "block";
				if (data.thumbnailWindowState  !== 'closed') {
					menu.thumbnailWindowDiv.style.display = "block";
				} else {
					menu.thumbnailWindowDiv.style.display = "none";
				menu.visible = true;

				var rect = menuElem.getBoundingClientRect();
				menu.moveMenu({x: data.x, y: data.y, windowX: rect.left, windowY: rect.top}, {x: this.offsetX, y: this.offsetY});

				menuElem.style.left = (data.x - this.offsetX - menu.radialMenuCenter.x).toString() + "px";
				menuElem.style.top  = (data.y - this.offsetY - menu.radialMenuCenter.y).toString()  + "px";
		} else {
			// Show was called on non-existant menu (display client was likely reset)

	* Update the radial menu position
	* @method updateRadialMenuPosition
	* @param data {Object} menu data
	this.updateRadialMenuPosition = function(data) {

		var menuElem = document.getElementById(data.id + "_menu");

		if (menuElem !== null) {
			var menu = this.radialMenus[menuElem.id];

			var rect = menuElem.getBoundingClientRect();
			menu.moveMenu({x: data.x, y: data.y, windowX: rect.left, windowY: rect.top}, {x: this.offsetX, y: this.offsetY});

			menuElem.style.left = (data.x - this.offsetX - menu.radialMenuCenter.x).toString() + "px";
			menuElem.style.top  = (data.y - this.offsetY - menu.radialMenuCenter.y).toString()  + "px";

	* Deal with event in radial menu
	* @method radialMenuEvent
	* @param data {Event} event
	this.radialMenuEvent = function(data) {
		if (data.type === "stateChange") {
			// Update the button state
			var menuState = data.menuState;
			for (var buttonName in menuState.buttonState) {
				this.radialMenus[data.menuID + "_menu"].setRadialButtonState(
					buttonName, menuState.buttonState[buttonName], menuState.color);

			// State also contains new actions
			if (data.menuState.action !== undefined) {
				if (data.menuState.action.type === "contentWindow") {
					this.radialMenus[data.menuID + "_menu"].setToggleMenu(data.menuState.action.window + "ThumbnailWindow");
				} else if (data.menuState.action.type === "close") {
					this.radialMenus[data.menuID + "_menu"].closeMenu();
				} else if (data.menuState.action.type === "toggleSubRadial") {
					this.radialMenus[data.menuID + "_menu"].toggleSubRadialMenu(data.menuState.action.window);
		} else {
			for (var menuID in this.radialMenus) {
				var menuElem = document.getElementById(menuID);
				var menu     = this.radialMenus[menuID];

				if (menuElem !== null) {
					var rect = menuElem.getBoundingClientRect();

					var pointerX = data.x - rect.left - this.offsetX;
					var pointerY = data.y - rect.top - this.offsetY;

					if (menu.visible) {
						menu.onEvent(data.type, {
							x: pointerX, y: pointerY, windowX: rect.left, windowY: rect.top
						}, data.id, data.data);

	* Update the list of file in the menu
	* @method updateRadialMenuDocs
	* @param data {Object} data
	this.updateRadialMenuDocs = function(data) {
		var menuElem = document.getElementById(data.id + "_menu");
		if (menuElem !== null) {

	* Update the list of app in the menu
	* @method updateRadialMenuApps
	* @param data {Object} data
	this.updateRadialMenuApps = function(data) {
		var menuElem = document.getElementById(data.id + "_menu");
		if (menuElem !== null) {

	* Add a remote side in the top sharing bar
	* @method addRemoteSite
	* @param data {Object} remote site information
	this.addRemoteSite = function(data) {
		var connectedColor = "rgba(55, 153, 130, 1.0)";
		if (this.json_cfg.ui.menubar !== undefined && this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.remoteConnectedColor !== undefined) {
			connectedColor = this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.remoteConnectedColor;
		var disconnectedColor = "rgba(173, 42, 42, 1.0)";
		if (this.json_cfg.ui.menubar !== undefined && this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.remoteDisconnectedColor !== undefined) {
			disconnectedColor = this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.remoteDisconnectedColor;
		var lockedColor = "rgba(230, 110, 0, 1.0)";
		if (this.json_cfg.ui.menubar !== undefined && this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.remoteLockedColor !== undefined) {
			lockedColor = this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.remoteLockedColor;
		var unknownColor = "rgba(140, 140, 140, 1.0)";

		var remote = document.createElement('div');
		remote.id  = data.name;
		remote.style.position  = "absolute";
		remote.style.textAlign = "center";
		remote.style.width  = data.geometry.w.toString() + "px";
		remote.style.height = data.geometry.h.toString() + "px";
		remote.style.left   = (-this.offsetX + data.geometry.x).toString() + "px";
		remote.style.top    = (-this.offsetY + data.geometry.y).toString() + "px";
		if (data.connected === "on") {
			remote.style.backgroundColor = connectedColor;
		} else if (data.connected === "off") {
			remote.style.backgroundColor = disconnectedColor;
		} else if (data.connected === "locked") {
			remote.style.backgroundColor = lockedColor;
		} else {
			remote.style.backgroundColor = unknownColor;

		var color = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)";
		if (this.json_cfg.ui.menubar !== undefined && this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.textColor !== undefined) {
			color = this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.textColor;

		var name = document.createElement('p');
		name.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
		name.style.fontSize   = Math.round(this.titleTextSize) + "px";
		name.style.color = color;
		name.textContent = data.name;


	* Update remote side status and color
	* @method connectedToRemoteSite
	* @param data {Object} remote site information
	this.connectedToRemoteSite = function(data) {
		var connectedColor = "rgba(55, 153, 130, 1.0)";
		if (this.json_cfg.ui.menubar !== undefined && this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.remoteConnectedColor !== undefined) {
			connectedColor = this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.remoteConnectedColor;
		var disconnectedColor = "rgba(173, 42, 42, 1.0)";
		if (this.json_cfg.ui.menubar !== undefined && this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.remoteDisconnectedColor !== undefined) {
			disconnectedColor = this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.remoteDisconnectedColor;
		var lockedColor = "rgba(230, 110, 0, 1.0)";
		if (this.json_cfg.ui.menubar !== undefined && this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.remoteLockedColor !== undefined) {
			lockedColor = this.json_cfg.ui.menubar.remoteLockedColor;
		var unknownColor = "rgba(140, 140, 140, 1.0)";

		var remote = document.getElementById(data.name);
		if (data.connected === "on") {
			remote.style.backgroundColor = connectedColor;
		} else if (data.connected === "off") {
			remote.style.backgroundColor = disconnectedColor;
		} else if (data.connected === "locked") {
			remote.style.backgroundColor = lockedColor;
		} else {
			remote.style.backgroundColor = unknownColor;

	* Dialog to accept/reject requests for a new data sharing session from a remote site
	* @method showDataSharingRequestDialog
	* @param data {Object} remote site information
	this.showDataSharingRequestDialog = function(data) {
		var port = (data.port === 80 || data.port === 443) ? "" : ":" + data.port;
		var host = data.host + port;
		var dataSharingRequestDialog = document.getElementById("dataSharingRequestDialog");
		var dataSharingText = document.getElementById("dataSharingRequestDialog_text");
		dataSharingText.textContent = "Data-sharing request from " + data.name + " (" + host + ")";
		dataSharingRequestDialog.style.display = "block";

	* Close dialog to accept/reject requests for a new data sharing session from a remote site
	* @method hideDataSharingRequestDialog
	this.hideDataSharingRequestDialog = function() {
		document.getElementById("dataSharingRequestDialog").style.display = "none";

	* Dialog that displays wait message for data sharing session from a remote site
	* @method showDataSharingWaitingDialog
	* @param data {Object} remote site information
	this.showDataSharingWaitingDialog = function(data) {
		var port = (data.port === 80 || data.port === 443) ? "" : ":" + data.port;
		var host = data.host + port;
		var dataSharingWaitDialog = document.getElementById("dataSharingWaitDialog");
		var dataSharingText = document.getElementById("dataSharingWaitDialog_text");
		dataSharingText.textContent = "Requested data-sharing session with " + data.name + " (" + host + ")";
		dataSharingWaitDialog.style.display = "block";

	* Close dialog that displays wait message for data sharing session from a remote site
	* @method hideDataSharingWaitingDialog
	this.hideDataSharingWaitingDialog = function() {
		document.getElementById("dataSharingWaitDialog").style.display = "none";

	* Called when auto-hide kicks, using CSS features
	* @method hideInterface
	this.hideInterface = function() {
		var i;
		if (!this.uiHidden) {
			// Hide the top bar
			this.upperBar.style.display = 'none';
			// Hide the pointers
			for (var p in this.pointerItems) {
				if (this.pointerItems[p].div) {
					this.pointerItems[p].div.style.display = 'none';
			// Hide the apps top bar
			var applist = document.getElementsByClassName("windowTitle");
			for (i = 0; i < applist.length; i++) {
				applist[i].style.display = 'none';
			// Hide the apps border
			var itemlist = document.getElementsByClassName("windowItem");
			for (i = 0; i < itemlist.length; i++) {
			// Hide the partitions top bar
			var ptnlist = document.getElementsByClassName("partitionTitle");
			for (i = 0; i < ptnlist.length; i++) {
				ptnlist[i].style.display = 'none';
			// Hide the partitions background area
			var ptntitlelist = document.getElementsByClassName("partitionArea");
			for (i = 0; i < ptntitlelist.length; i++) {
				ptntitlelist[i].style.display = 'none';
			this.uiHidden = true;

	* Show the ui elements again
	* @method showInterface
	this.showInterface = function() {
		var i;
		if (this.uiHidden) {
			// Show the top bar
			this.upperBar.style.display = 'block';
			// Show the pointers (only if they have a name, ui pointers dont have names)
			for (var p in this.pointerItems) {
				if (this.pointerItems[p].label !== "") {
					if (this.pointerItems[p].isShown === true) {
						this.pointerItems[p].div.style.display = 'block';
			// Show the apps top bar
			var applist = document.getElementsByClassName("windowTitle");
			for (i = 0; i < applist.length; i++) {
				applist[i].style.display = 'block';
			// Show the apps border
			var itemlist = document.getElementsByClassName("windowItem");
			for (i = 0; i < itemlist.length; i++) {
			// Show the partitions top bar
			var ptnlist = document.getElementsByClassName("partitionTitle");
			for (i = 0; i < ptnlist.length; i++) {
				ptnlist[i].style.display = 'block';
			// Show the partitions background area
			var ptntitlelist = document.getElementsByClassName("partitionArea");
			for (i = 0; i < ptntitlelist.length; i++) {
				ptntitlelist[i].style.display = 'block';
			this.uiHidden = false;