API Docs for: 2.0.0


// SAGE2 is available for use under the SAGE2 Software License
// University of Illinois at Chicago's Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL)
// and University of Hawai'i at Manoa's Laboratory for Advanced Visualization and
// Applications (LAVA)
// See full text, terms and conditions in the LICENSE.txt included file
// Copyright (c) 2015

 *  Module for whiteboard app
 * @module server
 * @submodule DrawingManager

"use strict";

// provides utility functions
var sageutils    = require('../src/node-utils');

// Put a Tutorial, maybe an overlay text to say that drawing is enabled

function DrawingManager(config) {

	this.lastId = 1;
	this.dictionaryId = {};
	this.idPrequel = "drawing_";
	this.clientIDandSockets = {};
	this.newDrawingObject = {};
	this.style = {fill: "none", stroke: "white", "stroke-width": "5px", "stroke-linecap": "round"};
	this.selectionBoxStyle = {fill: "none", stroke: "white", "stroke-width": "5px", "stroke-dasharray": "10,10"};
	this.drawingMode = false;
	this.eraserMode = false;
	this.pointerColorMode = true;
	this.drawState = [{id: "drawing_1", type: "path",
		options: { points: [{x: 100, y: 200}, {x: 200, y: 300}] }, style: this.style}];
	this.drawingsUndone = [];
	this.tilesPosition = [];
	this.palettePosition = {};
	this.idMovingPalette = -1;

	// Reformat 1/27/2016
	this.nextTouchSelection = false;
	this.actionXTouch = {};
	// Hardcoded size in pixel squared that serves as a threshold to recognize an eraser
	this.ERASER_SIZE = 200;
	// This is changed later if the server has a smaller title bar, it is not hardcoded
	this.TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT = 58;
	this.paletteIsMoving = false;
	this.offsetFromPaletteXTouch = {};
	this.selectionIsUsed = false;
	this.lastPosition = {};
	this.undoStack = [];
	this.redoStack = [];
	this.lastTimeSeen = {};
	this.TIMEOUT_TIME = 5000;

	// this.possibleActions = ["drawing", "movingPalette"];
	this.paintingMode = false;
	this.selectionMode = false;
	this.selectionStart = {};
	this.selectionEnd = {};
	this.selectionTouchId = -1;
	this.selectedDrawingObject = [];
	this.selectionMovementStart = [];
	this.selectionBox = null;
	this.eraserBox = null;
	this.eraserTouchId = -1;
	this.interactMgr = null;
	this.actionDoneStack = [{type: "drawing", data: [this.drawState[0].id]}];
	this.actionRedoStack = [];
	this.idAssociatedToAction = [];
	this.maxLineSize = 20;
	this.movingSelectionStartingPosition = null;
	this.resizeSelectionStart = null;
	this.oldSelectionInfo = {};
	this.currentTouch = [];

	// An object drawing is defined as follows:
	// {
	// id: String
	// type: Type of the svg element
	// options : {} Object containing all the attributes needed by that type of element
	// style: {} Current style of the object to be drawn
	// }


DrawingManager.prototype.linkInteractableManager = function(mngr) {
	this.interactMgr = mngr;

// Simple function to scale a point with respect to an origin
DrawingManager.prototype.scalePoint = function(point, origin, scaleX, scaleY) {
	var dx = point.x - origin.x;
	var dy = point.y - origin.y;
	var newDX = dx * scaleX;
	var newDY = dy * scaleY;
	return {x: origin.x + newDX, y: origin.y + newDY};

DrawingManager.prototype.calculateTileDimensions = function(config) {

	var clients = config.displays.length;
	var width   = config.resolution.width;
	var height  = config.resolution.height;

	for (var i = 0; i < clients; i++) {
		var display = config.displays[i];

		var startX = width * display.column;
		var endX   = startX + (width * display.width) - 1;

		var startY = height * display.row;
		var endY   = startY + (height * display.height) - 1;

		var position = {startX: startX, endX: endX, startY: startY, endY: endY, clientID: i};



// Called when a client connects, sends it a message saying that the whiteboard is now enabled
DrawingManager.prototype.init = function(wsio) {

	var clientID = wsio.clientID;

	if (clientID in this.clientIDandSockets) {
	} else {
		this.clientIDandSockets[clientID] = [wsio];

	this.drawingInit(wsio, this.drawState);

// Calls an init method on all the client, needed for major changes that need to be broadcasted
DrawingManager.prototype.initAll = function() {

	for (var clientID in this.clientIDandSockets) {
		for (var i in this.clientIDandSockets[clientID]) {
			var wsio = this.clientIDandSockets[clientID][i];
			this.drawingInit(wsio, this.drawState);


// TODO: manage the check involved client
DrawingManager.prototype.updateWithGroupDrawingObject = function(group) {
	for (var drawingObject in group) {
		for (var cID in this.tilesPosition) {
			var clientID = this.tilesPosition[cID].clientID;
			var manipulatedObject = this.manipulateDrawingObject(group[drawingObject], clientID);
			this.update(manipulatedObject, clientID);

DrawingManager.prototype.removeDrawingObject = function(group) {
	for (var cID in this.tilesPosition) {
		var clientID = this.tilesPosition[cID].clientID;
		this.remove(group, clientID);


DrawingManager.prototype.enablePaintingMode = function() {
	this.paintingMode = true;


DrawingManager.prototype.disablePaintingMode = function() {
	this.paintingMode = false;

DrawingManager.prototype.selectionModeOnOff = function() {
	this.nextTouchSelection = true;

DrawingManager.prototype.sendModesToPalette = function() {
	var data = {
		drawingMode: this.drawingMode,
		paintingMode: this.paintingMode,
		eraserMode: this.eraserMode,
		pointerColorMode: this.pointerColorMode};
	this.sendChangeToPalette(this.paletteID, data);

DrawingManager.prototype.enableEraserMode = function() {
	this.eraserMode = true;

DrawingManager.prototype.disableEraserMode = function() {
	this.eraserMode = false;

DrawingManager.prototype.enablePointerColorMode = function() {
	this.pointerColorMode = true;

DrawingManager.prototype.disablePointerColorMode = function() {
	this.pointerColorMode = false;

DrawingManager.prototype.removeWebSocket = function(wsio) {

	// Detecting the position of the socket into the corresponding socket array
	var clientID = wsio.clientID;
	var position = this.clientIDandSockets[clientID].indexOf(wsio);
	if (position > -1) {
		this.clientIDandSockets[clientID].splice(position, 1);
		sageutils.log("DrawingManager",	"Socket removed from drawingManager");
	} else {
		sageutils.log("DrawingManager",	"Attempt to remove a socket from drawingManager, but not present");


DrawingManager.prototype.clearDrawingCanvas = function() {
	this.actionDoneStack.push({type: "clearAll", data: this.copy(this.drawState)});
	this.drawState = [];

// Simple helper function to check if element is inside array
function isInside(s, arr) {
	for (var i in arr) {
		if (arr[i] == s) {
			return true;
	return false;

DrawingManager.prototype.saveDrawingToUndo = function(e) {
	var obj = {type: "drawingToUndo"};

	obj.data = this.idAssociatedToAction[e.sourceId];


DrawingManager.prototype.undoThisDrawingGroup = function(array) {
	var groupToDelete = [];

	var i = 0;
	while (i < this.drawState.length) {
		if (isInside(this.drawState[i].id, array)) {
			groupToDelete.push(this.drawState.splice(i, 1)[0]);
		} else {

	// Tell the clients to remove them

	return groupToDelete;

DrawingManager.prototype.redoThisDrawingGroup = function(array) {
	var idRedone = [];

	for (var i in array) {

	return idRedone;

DrawingManager.prototype.undoLastDrawing = function() {
	if (this.undoStack.length > 0) {
		var last = this.undoStack.pop();

		if (last.type == "drawingToUndo") {
			last.data = this.undoThisDrawingGroup(last.data);
			last.type = "drawingToRedo";


DrawingManager.prototype.redoDrawing = function() {
	if (this.redoStack.length > 0) {
		var last = this.redoStack.pop();

		if (last.type == "drawingToRedo") {
			last.data = this.redoThisDrawingGroup(last.data);
			last.type = "drawingToUndo";

DrawingManager.prototype.changeStyle = function(data) {
	this.style[data.name] = data.value;
	this.sendStyleToPalette(this.paletteID, this.style);
	this.pointerColorMode = false;

DrawingManager.prototype.enableDrawingMode = function(data) {
	// sageutils.log("DrawingManager", "Drawing mode enabled");
	this.drawingMode = true;
	this.paletteID = data.id;
	this.sendStyleToPalette(this.paletteID, this.style);

DrawingManager.prototype.reEnableDrawingMode = function(data) {
	// sageutils.log("DrawingManager", "Drawing mode reEnabled");
	this.drawingMode = true;
	this.sendStyleToPalette(this.paletteID, this.style);

DrawingManager.prototype.disableDrawingMode = function(data) {
	// sageutils.log("DrawingManager", "Drawing mode disabled");
	this.drawingMode = false;
	// this.paletteID = null;

// Update a single drawing on the client side
DrawingManager.prototype.update = function(drawingObject, clientID) {

	for (var ws in this.clientIDandSockets[clientID]) {
		this.drawingUpdate(this.clientIDandSockets[clientID][ws], drawingObject);

	// Send the object also to client -1, but not manipulated. Maybe create another udpate.
	for (ws in this.clientIDandSockets[-1]) {
		this.drawingUpdate(this.clientIDandSockets[-1][ws], drawingObject);

// Delete a single drawing on the client side
DrawingManager.prototype.remove = function(group, clientID) {

	for (var ws in this.clientIDandSockets[clientID]) {
		this.drawingRemove(this.clientIDandSockets[clientID][ws], group);

	// Send the object also to client -1, but not manipulated. Maybe create another udpate.
	for (ws in this.clientIDandSockets[-1]) {
		this.drawingUpdate(this.clientIDandSockets[-1][ws], group);

DrawingManager.prototype.copy = function(a) {
	return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a));

// This will return the square of the distance, useful for compararisons, not actual distance
DrawingManager.prototype.distance = function(p1, p2) {
	return (p1.x - p2.x) * (p1.x - p2.x) + (p1.y - p2.y) * (p1.y - p2.y);

DrawingManager.prototype.getNewId = function(sourceId) {
	var newId = this.idPrequel + this.lastId;
	this.dictionaryId[sourceId] = newId;
	return newId;

DrawingManager.prototype.realeaseId = function(sourceId) {
	delete this.dictionaryId[sourceId];

DrawingManager.prototype.existsId = function(sourceId) {
	return sourceId in this.dictionaryId;

DrawingManager.prototype.findMaxId = function() {
	var max = -1;

	for (var drawingObj in this.drawState) {
		var idx = this.drawState[drawingObj].id;
		idx = parseInt(idx.substring(this.idPrequel.length, idx.length));
		if (idx > max) {
			max = idx;

	return max;

DrawingManager.prototype.eraseArea = function(x, y, w, h) {
	// Erase everything in the given area

	var eraserBox = {x: x - w / 2, y: y - h / 2, w: w, h: h};
	var i = 0;
	var groupToDelete = [];
	while (i < this.drawState.length) {
		var draw = this.drawState[i].options.points;
		var inside = false;
		for (var j in draw) {
			var p = draw[j];
			if (p.x > eraserBox.x &&
				p.x < eraserBox.x + eraserBox.w  &&
				p.y > eraserBox.y &&
				p.y < eraserBox.y + eraserBox.h) {
				inside = true;
		if (inside) {
			for (var k in this.dictionaryId) {
				if (this.drawState[i].id == this.dictionaryId[k]) {
			this.drawState.splice(i, 1);
		} else {
			i += 1;

	if (groupToDelete.length > 0) {
	// returns all the deleted elements
	return groupToDelete;

DrawingManager.prototype.createNewDraw = function(e, posX, posY) {

	// Create new Drawing object
	var drawingId = this.getNewId(e.sourceId);
	this.newDrawingObject[drawingId] = {};
	this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].id = drawingId;
	this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].type = "circle";
	this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].options = { points: [{x: posX, y: posY}] };
	this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].style = this.copy(this.style);

	if (this.pointerColorMode && e.extraDataString !== undefined) {
		this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].style.stroke = e.extraDataString;


	this.idAssociatedToAction[e.sourceId] = [drawingId];

DrawingManager.prototype.updateDrawingObject = function(e, posX, posY) {

	if (!this.existsId(e.sourceId)) {
		this.createNewDraw(e, posX, posY);
		this.idAssociatedToAction[e.sourceId] = [drawingId];

	var drawingId = this.dictionaryId[e.sourceId];

	var lastPointId = this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].options.points.length - 1;
	var lastPoint = this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].options.points[lastPointId];

	if (this.distance(lastPoint, {x: posX, y: posY}) > 0.5) {
		this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].type = "path";
		this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].options.points.push({x: posX, y: posY});

	if (this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].options.points.length > this.maxLineSize) {
		var l = this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].options.points.length;
		var secondPart = this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].options.points.splice(this.maxLineSize - 1, l);
		var id = this.getNewId(e.sourceId);
		if (this.idAssociatedToAction[e.sourceId]) {
		var newDraw = {};
		newDraw.type = "path";
		newDraw.style = this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].style;

		if (this.pointerColorMode && e.extraDataString !== undefined) {
			newDraw.style.stroke = e.extraDataString;
		newDraw.options = {};
		newDraw.options.points = secondPart;
		newDraw.id = id;
		this.newDrawingObject[id] = newDraw;

// Check if the touch is in the recall bar
DrawingManager.prototype.touchNearBottom = function(x, y) {
	var c = this.checkInvolvedClient(x, y);
	if (c != null && (c > -1)) {
		var startY = this.tilesPosition[c].startY;
		var endY = this.tilesPosition[c].endY;
		var w = endY - startY;
		var activeArea = w * 0.1;
		return y >= endY - activeArea;
	return false;

// Check if the touch is in the recall bar
DrawingManager.prototype.touchInsidePalette = function(x, y) {
	return ((x >= this.palettePosition.startX) && (x <= this.palettePosition.endX) &&
			(y >= this.palettePosition.startY) && (y <= this.palettePosition.endY));

// Check if the touch is in the palette title bar
DrawingManager.prototype.touchInsidePaletteTitleBar = function(x, y) {
	return ((x >= this.palettePosition.startX) && (x <= this.palettePosition.endX) &&
			(y >= this.palettePosition.startY - this.TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT) && (y < this.palettePosition.startY));

// Check if the touch is inside the current selection on screen
DrawingManager.prototype.touchInsideSelection = function(x, y) {

	if (x > this.selectionStart.x &&
		y > this.selectionStart.y &&
		x < this.selectionEnd.x &&
		y < this.selectionEnd.y) {
		return true;
	return false;


// Check if the touch is in the zoom box of a selection
DrawingManager.prototype.touchInsideSelectionZoomBox = function(x, y) {
	var w = this.selectionEnd.x - this.selectionStart.x;
	var h = this.selectionEnd.y - this.selectionStart.y;

	if (x >= this.selectionStart.x + 0.9 * w &&
		y >= this.selectionStart.y + 0.9 * h &&
		x <= this.selectionEnd.x &&
		y <= this.selectionEnd.y) {
		return true;
	return false;


DrawingManager.prototype.selectDrawingObjects = function() {

	this.selectedDrawingObject = [];
	for (var drawingObj in this.drawState) {
		var points = this.drawState[drawingObj].options.points;
		for (var i in points) {
			if (this.touchInsideSelection(points[i].x, points[i].y)) {


DrawingManager.prototype.newSelectionBox = function(e) {

	// Create new Selection box
	var drawingId = this.getNewId(e.sourceId);
	this.newDrawingObject[drawingId] = {};
	this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].id = drawingId;
	this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].type = "rect";
	this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].options = { points: [this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd] };
	this.newDrawingObject[drawingId].style = this.selectionBoxStyle;

	this.selectionBox = this.newDrawingObject[drawingId];


DrawingManager.prototype.moveSelectionBox = function() {

	if (this.selectionBox) {
		this.selectionBox.options.points = [this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd];


DrawingManager.prototype.deleteSelectionBox = function() {

	if (this.selectionBox) {

		for (var drawingObj in this.drawState) {
			var idx = this.drawState[drawingObj].id;
			if (idx == this.selectionBox.id) {
				this.drawState.splice(drawingObj, 1);
		this.selectedDrawingObject = [];
		this.selectionStart = {};
		this.selectionEnd = {};
		this.selectionBox = null;
		this.selectionTouchId = -1;

DrawingManager.prototype.selectionMove = function(x, y) {

	// var actionSelectionMove = {type: "selectionMove", data: {'x': x, 'y': y, obj: []}};

	for (var drawingObj in this.selectedDrawingObject) {
		var obj = this.selectedDrawingObject[drawingObj];
		// actionSelectionMove['data']['obj'].push(obj);
		var points = obj.options.points;
		for (var i in points) {
			points[i].x += x;
			points[i].y += y;


DrawingManager.prototype.selectionZoom = function(sx, sy) {

	for (var drawingObj in this.selectedDrawingObject) {
		var points = this.selectedDrawingObject[drawingObj].options.points;
		for (var i in points) {
			var p = points[i];
			points[i] = this.scalePoint(p, this.selectionStart, sx, sy);


DrawingManager.prototype.startSelectionFrom = function(e, posX, posY) {
	this.selectionStart = {x: posX, y: posY};
	this.selectionEnd = {x: posX, y: posY};
	this.selectionIsUsed = true;

DrawingManager.prototype.updateCreatingSelection = function(posX, posY) {
	if (this.selectionStart.x > posX) {
		this.selectionStart.x = posX;
	} else if (this.selectionEnd.x < posX) {
		this.selectionEnd.x = posX;
	} else {
		var d1 = this.distance({x: posX, y: this.selectionStart.y}, this.selectionStart);
		if (d1 < this.distance({x: posX, y: this.selectionEnd.y}, this.selectionEnd)) {
			this.selectionStart.x = posX;
		} else {
			this.selectionEnd.x = posX;

	if (this.selectionStart.y > posY) {
		this.selectionStart.y = posY;
	} else if (this.selectionEnd.y < posY) {
		this.selectionEnd.y = posY;
	} else {
		var d2 = this.distance({x: this.selectionStart.x, y: posY}, this.selectionStart);
		if (d2 < this.distance({x: this.selectionEnd.x, y: posY}, this.selectionEnd)) {
			this.selectionStart.y = posY;
		} else {
			this.selectionEnd.y = posY;


DrawingManager.prototype.moveSelectionTo = function(e, posX, posY) {
	var dx = posX - this.lastPosition[e.sourceId].x;
	var dy = posY - this.lastPosition[e.sourceId].y;
	this.lastPosition[e.sourceId].x = posX;
	this.lastPosition[e.sourceId].y = posY;

	this.selectionStart.x += dx;
	this.selectionStart.y += dy;
	this.selectionEnd.x += dx;
	this.selectionEnd.y += dy;
	this.selectionMove(dx, dy);

DrawingManager.prototype.zoomSelectionBy = function(e, posX, posY) {
	var dx = posX - this.lastPosition[e.sourceId].x;
	var dy = posY - this.lastPosition[e.sourceId].y;
	var oldW = this.selectionEnd.x - this.selectionStart.x;
	var oldH = this.selectionEnd.y - this.selectionStart.y;

	var newW = oldW + dx;
	var newH = oldH + dy;
	var sx = parseFloat(newW) / oldW;
	var sy = parseFloat(newH) / oldH;

	this.lastPosition[e.sourceId] = {x: posX, y: posY};
	this.selectionEnd.x += dx;
	this.selectionEnd.y += dy;
	this.selectionZoom(sx, sy);


// Timeout system, if interaction is inactive for more than TIMEOUT_TIME, close it
DrawingManager.prototype.updateTimer = function() {
	var t = new Date();
	var timouted = [];
	for (var i in this.lastTimeSeen) {
		var e = this.lastTimeSeen[i];
		if (t - e > this.TIMEOUT_TIME) {
			sageutils.log("DrawingManager", "Timeout for id:", i);

	for (var j in timouted) {
		delete this.lastTimeSeen[timouted[j]];
		var fake = {sourceId: timouted[j], type: 6};
		this.pointerEvent(fake, timouted[j], 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Returns the action associated with the touch
DrawingManager.prototype.detectDownAction = function(posX, posY, w, h) {
	// First Priority: Moving & Using palette
	if (this.touchInsidePaletteTitleBar(posX, posY)) {

		// Check that nobody else is moving the palette
		if (!this.paletteIsMoving) {
			this.paletteIsMoving = true;
			return "movingPalette";
		// somebody else is moving
		return "ignored";


	if (this.touchInsidePalette(posX, posY)) {
		return "usePalette";
	if (this.touchNearBottom(posX, posY)) {
		if (!this.paletteIsMoving) {
			this.paletteIsMoving = true;
			return "recallingPalette";
		return "ignored";


	// Second Priority: Selections
	if (this.nextTouchSelection) {
		this.nextTouchSelection = false;
		return "creatingSelection";
	if (this.touchInsideSelectionZoomBox(posX, posY)) {
		if (!this.selectionIsUsed) {
			this.selectionIsUsed = true;
			return "zoomingSelection";
		return "ignored";

	if (this.touchInsideSelection(posX, posY)) {
		if (!this.selectionIsUsed) {
			this.selectionIsUsed = true;
			return "movingSelection";
		return "ignored";


	// Third Priority: Eraser
	if ((!this.paintingMode) && (Math.max(w, h) >= this.ERASER_SIZE)) {
		return "eraser";

	// Default: Drawing
	return "drawing";


// Called on the first touch for each touch interaction
DrawingManager.prototype.touchDown = function(e, sourceId, posX, posY, w, h) {
	// Detect what the user wants to do with this touch
	var action = this.detectDownAction(posX, posY, w, h);
	this.actionXTouch[e.sourceId] = action;

	if (action == "movingPalette") {
		// Just save the offset
		this.offsetFromPaletteXTouch[e.sourceId] = {
			x: posX - this.palettePosition.startX,
			y: posY - this.palettePosition.startY + this.TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT};

	// Action Performed at touch down: Using Palette
	if (action == "usePalette") {
		this.sendTouchToPalette(this.paletteID, posX - this.palettePosition.startX, posY - this.palettePosition.startY);
	// Action Performed at touch down: recall Palette
	if (action == "recallingPalette") {
			this.paletteID, posX,
			this.palettePosition.startY - this.TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT,
			this.palettePosition.endX - this.palettePosition.startX,
			this.palettePosition.endY - this.palettePosition.startY

	if (action == "creatingSelection") {
		this.startSelectionFrom(e, posX, posY);

	if (action == "movingSelection") {
		this.lastPosition[e.sourceId] = {x: posX, y: posY};

	if (action == "zoomingSelection") {
		this.lastPosition[e.sourceId] = {x: posX, y: posY};

	// Action Performed at touch down: erasing
	if (action == "eraser") {
		this.eraseArea(posX, posY, w, h);

	// Action Performed at touch down: drawing
	if (action == "drawing") {
		if (!this.selectionIsUsed) {
		if (this.paintingMode) {
			this.style["stroke-width"] = Math.max(w, h);
		this.createNewDraw(e, posX, posY);


DrawingManager.prototype.touchMove = function(e, sourceId, posX, posY, w, h) {
	// do what is supposed to happen when a touch is moving
	var action = this.actionXTouch[e.sourceId];

	// First Priority: Moving palette (using ignored)
	if (action == "movingPalette") {
		var offX = this.offsetFromPaletteXTouch[e.sourceId].x || 0;
		var offY = this.offsetFromPaletteXTouch[e.sourceId].y || 0;
			, posX - offX
			, posY - offY
			, this.palettePosition.endX - this.palettePosition.startX
			, this.palettePosition.endY - this.palettePosition.startY);

	if (action == "usePalette") {
		this.sendDragToPalette(this.paletteID, posX - this.palettePosition.startX, posY - this.palettePosition.startY);

	if (action == "recallingPalette") {
			, posX
			, this.palettePosition.startY - this.TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT
			, this.palettePosition.endX - this.palettePosition.startX
			, this.palettePosition.endY - this.palettePosition.startY);

	// Second Priority: Selections
	if (action == "creatingSelection") {
		this.updateCreatingSelection(posX, posY);

	if (action == "movingSelection") {
		this.moveSelectionTo(e, posX, posY);

	if (action == "zoomingSelection") {
		this.zoomSelectionBy(e, posX, posY);

	// Third Priority: Eraser

	// A Drawing can become an eraser
	if ((!this.paintingMode) && (Math.max(w, h) >= this.ERASER_SIZE)) {
		action = "eraser";
		this.actionXTouch[e.sourceId] = action;

	if (this.eraserMode) {
		w = this.ERASER_SIZE / 4;
		h = this.ERASER_SIZE / 4;
		action = "eraser";
		this.actionXTouch[e.sourceId] = action;
		this.eraseArea(posX, posY, w, h);

	// An eraser can never go back to be a drawing
	if (action == "eraser") {
		this.eraseArea(posX, posY, w, h);

	if (action == "drawing") {
		this.updateDrawingObject(e, posX, posY);


DrawingManager.prototype.touchRelease = function(e, sourceId, posX, posY, w, h) {
	// do what is supposed to happen when a touch is released
	var action = this.actionXTouch[e.sourceId];

	if (action == "movingPalette") {
		delete this.offsetFromPaletteXTouch[e.sourceId];
		this.paletteIsMoving = false;

	if (action == "recallingPalette") {
		this.paletteIsMoving = false;

	if (action == "creatingSelection") {
		// Select what's in the selection right now

		this.selectionIsUsed = false;

	if (action == "movingSelection") {

		delete this.lastPosition[e.sourceId];

		this.selectionIsUsed = false;

	if (action == "zoomingSelection") {

		delete this.lastPosition[e.sourceId];

		this.selectionIsUsed = false;

	if (action == "drawing") {
		// Check if an application is under one of the lines drawn by this id


		// Release the drawingId



// Called from node drawing when a touch interaction happens, entry point for touches
DrawingManager.prototype.pointerEvent = function(e, sourceId, posX, posY, w, h) {

	if (e.type == 5) {
		this.touchDown(e, e.sourceId, posX, posY, w, h);
		this.lastTimeSeen[e.sourceId] = new Date();
	} else if (e.type == 4 && this.lastTimeSeen[e.sourceId] !== undefined) {
		this.touchMove(e, e.sourceId, posX, posY, w, h);
		this.lastTimeSeen[e.sourceId] = new Date();
	} else if (e.type == 6) {
		this.touchRelease(e, e.sourceId, posX, posY, w, h);
		delete this.lastTimeSeen[e.sourceId];

	if (this.lastTimeSeen[e.sourceId] !== undefined) {
		if (this.actionXTouch[e.sourceId] == "drawing") {
			var drawingId = this.dictionaryId[e.sourceId];
			var involvedClient = this.checkInvolvedClient(posX, posY);
			var manipulatedObject = this.manipulateDrawingObject(this.newDrawingObject[drawingId], involvedClient);

			this.update(manipulatedObject, involvedClient);

		// Timeout
		this.updateTimer(e, posX, posY);

DrawingManager.prototype.linkToApplication = function(touchId) {
	var application;
	for (var j in this.idAssociatedToAction[touchId]) {
		application = this.checkForApplications(this.idAssociatedToAction[touchId][j]);
		if (application != undefined) {

	if (application != undefined) {
		// Application found, link to all lines
		for (var i in this.drawState) {
			if (this.drawState[i].id in this.idAssociatedToAction[touchId]) {
				this.drawState[i].linkedAppID = application.id;


DrawingManager.prototype.checkForApplications = function(id) {
	var drawing;

	// Find the drawing with that id inside the drawing state
	for (var i in this.drawState) {
		if (this.drawState[i].id == id) {
			drawing = this.drawState[i];

	if (drawing) {
		for (i in drawing.options.points) {
			var p = drawing.options.points[i];
			var obj = this.interactMgr.searchGeometry({x: p.x, y: p.y});
			if (obj && obj.layerId == "applications") {
				return obj;


DrawingManager.prototype.manipulateDrawingObject = function(drawingObject, clientID) {

	if (clientID == null || !drawingObject) {

	// Cloning the drawing object to manipuate its position, in order to send to the clients its relativ position
	var manipulatedObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(drawingObject));

	var offsetX = this.tilesPosition[clientID].startX;
	var offsetY = this.tilesPosition[clientID].startY;

	for (var i in manipulatedObject.options.points) {
		var point = manipulatedObject.options.points[i];
		manipulatedObject.options.points[i].x = point.x - offsetX;
		manipulatedObject.options.points[i].y = point.y - offsetY;


	return manipulatedObject;


DrawingManager.prototype.isOnPalette = function(posX, posY) {

	if (this.palettePosition.startX <= posX &
		this.palettePosition.endX >= posX &
		this.palettePosition.startY <= posY &
		this.palettePosition.endY >= posY) {

		return true;


	return false;

DrawingManager.prototype.updatePalettePosition = function(data) {
	this.palettePosition.startX = data.startX;
	this.palettePosition.startY = data.startY;
	this.palettePosition.endX = data.endX;
	this.palettePosition.endY = data.endY;
	if (this.palettePosition.startY < 200) {
		// this.movePaletteTo(this.paletteID,
		// 	this.palettePosition.startX,
		// 	this.palettePosition.startY + 600m,
		// 	this.palettePosition.endX - this.palettePosition.startX,
		// 	this.palettePosition.endY - this.palettePosition.startY);

DrawingManager.prototype.applicationMoved = function(id, newX, newY) {
	var appObj = this.interactMgr.getObject(id, "applications");
	var oldX = appObj.x1;
	var oldY = appObj.y1;
	var dx = newX - oldX;
	var dy = newY - oldY;

	var toMove = [];

	for (var i in this.drawState) {
		var draw = this.drawState[i];
		if (draw.linkedAppID == id) {
			for (var j in draw.options.points) {
				var p = draw.options.points[j];
				p.x += dx;
				p.y += dy;
	if (toMove != []) {

	this.palettePosition.startX = appObj.geometry.x;
	this.palettePosition.startY = appObj.geometry.y + this.TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT;
	this.palettePosition.endX = appObj.geometry.x + appObj.geometry.w;
	this.palettePosition.endY = appObj.geometry.y + appObj.geometry.h;

DrawingManager.prototype.applicationResized = function(id, newW, newH, origin) {
	var oldW = this.interactMgr.getObject(id, "applications").x2 - this.interactMgr.getObject(id, "applications").x1;
	var oldH = this.interactMgr.getObject(id, "applications").y2 - this.interactMgr.getObject(id, "applications").y1;
	var sx = newW / oldW;
	var sy = newH / oldH;
	if (!origin) {
		origin = {x: this.interactMgr.getObject(id, "applications").x1, y: this.interactMgr.getObject(id, "applications").y1};
	var toMove = [];

	for (var i in this.drawState) {
		var draw = this.drawState[i];
		if (draw.linkedAppID == id) {
			for (var j in draw.options.points) {
				var p = draw.options.points[j];
				draw.options.points[j] = this.scalePoint(p, origin, sx, sy);
	if (toMove != []) {

DrawingManager.prototype.checkInvolvedClient = function(posX, posY) {

	// Probably this method is inconsistent if the object start from a display and terminates in another

	for (var i in this.tilesPosition) {
		var client = this.tilesPosition[i];
		if (client.startX <= posX &
			client.endX >= posX &
			client.startY <= posY &
			client.endY >= posY) {

			return client.clientID;

	sageutils.log("DrawingManager", "No single client involved");

DrawingManager.prototype.saveDrawings = function() {

DrawingManager.prototype.loadDrawings = function(data) {
	// asynchronous

DrawingManager.prototype.gotSessionsList = function(data) {
	this.sendSessionListToPalette(this.paletteID, data);

DrawingManager.prototype.loadOldState = function(data) {
	this.drawState = data || [];
	this.lastId = this.findMaxId() + 1;

// Get all the callbacks from the server
DrawingManager.prototype.setCallbacks = function(
	sendSessionListCB) {
	this.drawingInit = drawingInitCB;
	this.drawingUpdate = drawingUpdateCB;
	this.drawingRemove = drawingRemoveCB;
	this.sendTouchToPalette = sendTouchToPaletteCB;
	this.sendDragToPalette = sendDragToPaletteCB;
	this.sendStyleToPalette = sendStyleToPaletteCB;
	this.sendChangeToPalette = sendChangeToPaletteCB;
	this.movePaletteTo = movePaletteToCB;
	this.saveSession = saveSessionCB;
	this.loadSession = loadSessionCB;
	this.sendSessionListToPalette = sendSessionListCB;

module.exports = DrawingManager;