API Docs for: 2.0.0


// SAGE2 is available for use under the SAGE2 Software License
// University of Illinois at Chicago's Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL)
// and University of Hawai'i at Manoa's Laboratory for Advanced Visualization and
// Applications (LAVA)
// See full text, terms and conditions in the LICENSE.txt included file
// Copyright (c) 2017

 * @module PerformanceManager

"use strict";

// module to retrieve hardware, system and OS information
var sysInfo = require('systeminformation');
// pretty formating a la sprintf
var sprint  = require('sprint');

// SAGE2 module: for log function
var sageutils = require('../src/node-utils');

var os = require('os');

  * @class PerformanceManager
  * @constructor

function PerformanceManager() {
	// Flags

	this.collectAppSpecificTraffic = false;
	// Temporary placeholder that collects network data between calls to collectMetrics
	this.trafficData = {
		date: Date.now(),
		totalOutBound: 0,
		totalInBound: 0
	this.previousBytesRead = {};
	this.previousBytesWritten = {};

	// One object that holds all performance related information
	this.performanceMetrics = {
		staticInformation: null,
		cpuLoad: null,
		serverLoad: null,
		serverTraffic: null,
		network: null,
		memUsage: null,
		displayPerf: null,
		movingAvg1Minute: {
			cpuLoad: null,
			cpuCoresLoad: null,
			serverLoad: null,
			serverTraffic: null,
			network: null,
			memUsage: null
		movingAvgEntireDuration: {
			cpuLoad: null,
			serverLoad: null,
			serverTraffic: null,
			network: null,
			memUsage: null
		// Historical data for establishing time line
		history: {
			cpuLoad: [],
			serverLoad: [],
			serverTraffic: [],
			network: [],
			memUsage: [],
			displayPerf: [],
			clients: []

	this.clients = {
		hardware: [],
		performanceMetrics: [],
		history: []
	this.clientPerformceMetrics = {
		clientID: null,
		cpuLoad: null,
		memUsage: null,
		clientLoad: null
	// Array to store display client data
	this.clientsInformation = [];

	// Array to keep track of wall widgets showing perf data
	this.activeWidgets = [];
	// Get the basic information of the system
	sysInfo.getStaticData(function(data) {
		data.hostname = os.hostname();
		data.servername = this.config.name || "";
		data.serverhost = this.config.host;
		this.performanceMetrics.staticInformation = data;
		// fix on some system with no memory layout
		if (data.memLayout.length === 0) {
			sysInfo.mem(function(mem) {
				this.performanceMetrics.staticInformation.memLayout[0] = {size: mem.total};

	this.durationInMinutes = 5;
	// default to 2 second - 'normal'
	this.samplingInterval  = 2;

	// Loop handle is used to clear the interval and restart when sampling rate is changed
	// samplingInterval in seconds
	this.loopHandle = setInterval(this.collectMetrics.bind(this),
		this.samplingInterval * 1000);

PerformanceManager.prototype.initializeConfiguration = function(cfg) {
	this.config = cfg;

 * Adds data for a display client.
 * @method     addDisplayClient
 * @param      {<type>}  idx     The client ID
 * @param      {<type>}  data    The data
PerformanceManager.prototype.addDisplayClient = function(id, idx, data) {
	// Add the id & clientID to the data
	data.id = id;
	data.clientID = idx;
	// send the displays specifics
	module.parent.exports.broadcast('addDisplayHardwareInformation', data);

 * Removes data of a closed display client.
 * @method     removeDisplayClient
 * @param      {<type>}  idx     The client ID
PerformanceManager.prototype.removeDisplayClient = function(id) {
	module.parent.exports.broadcast('removeDisplayHardwareInformation',	{id: id});
	removeObjectsFromArrayOnPropertyValue(this.clients.hardware, "id", id);
	removeObjectsFromArrayOnPropertyValue(this.clients.performanceMetrics, "id", id, 'eq');

 * Send a new monitoring client all the specifics
 * @method     updateClient
 * @param      {Object}  wsio    client's websocket
PerformanceManager.prototype.updateClient = function(wsio) {
	// send the server specifics
	// send the displays specifics

	// Send the historic data to show trend up to this point

  * Sets sampling interval to 1, 2 or 5 seconds and restarts the sampling loop
  * values 'often|slow|normal', every other value defaults to 'normal'
  * @method setSamplingInterval
  * @param {string} interval - Interval specified as a user friendly string
PerformanceManager.prototype.setSamplingInterval = function(interval) {
	// Set sampling interval in seconds to 1, 2, or 5
	switch (interval) {
		case 'often':
			this.samplingInterval = 1;
		case 'slow':
			this.samplingInterval = 5;
		case 'normal':
			this.samplingInterval = 2;
	// clear the previous callback
	// set the new frequency
	this.loopHandle = setInterval(this.collectMetrics.bind(this),
		this.samplingInterval * 1000);
	sageutils.log('Perf', 'Sampling interval set to', this.samplingInterval, 'second');

  * Gets current CPU load and adds it to a list collected over time
  ** also computes moving averages of 1 minute and a longer duration (5 minutes)
  * @method collectCPULoad
  * @param {object} data - CPU load data
PerformanceManager.prototype.collectCPULoad = function(data) {
	// Extract cores specific load and idle times in # of ticks
	var cores = data.cpus.map(function(d, i) {
		return {
			load: d.raw_load,
			idle: d.raw_load_idle
	// Extract overall CPU load and idle times in # of ticks
	var load = {
		date: Date.now(), // Mark the time for creating a time line
		load: data.raw_currentload,
		idle: data.raw_currentload_idle,
		cores: cores     // Store the previously extracted cores information

	this.saveData('cpuLoad', load);

	// Creating empty objects to store moving averages for 1 minute and entire duration
	// as specified by this.durationInMinutes
	var load1Minute = {
		load: 0,
		idle: 0,
		cores: data.cpus.map(function(d) {
			return {
				load: 0,
				idle: 0

	var loadEntireDuration = {
		load: 0,
		idle: 0,
		cores: data.cpus.map(function(d) {
			return {
				load: 0,
				idle: 0

	// Counter for entries in 1 minute
	var minuteEntries = 0;

	// One minute ago from when the latest data that was recorded
	// in milliseconds
	var oneMinuteAgo = load.date - (60 * 1000);

	// Compute sum of all entries
	this.performanceMetrics.history.cpuLoad.forEach(el => {
		loadEntireDuration.load += el.load;
		loadEntireDuration.idle += el.idle;
		loadEntireDuration.cores = loadEntireDuration.cores.map(function(d, i) {
			return {
				load: d.load + el.cores[i].load,
				idle: d.idle + el.cores[i].idle
		if (el.date > oneMinuteAgo) {
			load1Minute.load += el.load;
			load1Minute.idle += el.idle;
			load1Minute.cores = load1Minute.cores.map(function(d, i) {
				return {
					load: d.load + el.cores[i].load,
					idle: d.idle + el.cores[i].idle

	// Compute average by dividing by number of entries in the sum
	load1Minute.load /= minuteEntries;
	load1Minute.idle /= minuteEntries;
	load1Minute.cores = load1Minute.cores.map(function(d, i) {
		return {
			load: d.load / minuteEntries,
			idle: d.idle / minuteEntries
	// 1min moving average
	this.performanceMetrics.movingAvg1Minute.cpuLoad = load1Minute;
	var entireDurationEntries = this.performanceMetrics.history.cpuLoad.length;
	loadEntireDuration.load /= entireDurationEntries;
	loadEntireDuration.idle /= entireDurationEntries;
	loadEntireDuration.cores = loadEntireDuration.cores.map(function(d, i) {
		return {
			load: d.load / entireDurationEntries,
			idle: d.idle / entireDurationEntries
	// Entire duration moving average
	this.performanceMetrics.movingAvgEntireDuration.cpuLoad = loadEntireDuration;

  * Gets current Server process load and adds it to a list collected over time
  * also computes moving averages of 1 minute and a longer duration (5 minutes)
  * @method collectserverLoad
  * @param {object} data - processes load data list
PerformanceManager.prototype.collectserverLoad = function(data) {
	// Filter process information of server from the list
	var serverProcess = data.list.filter(function(d) {
		return parseInt(d.pid) === parseInt(process.pid);
	if (serverProcess.length === 1) {
		serverProcess = serverProcess[0];

	if (serverProcess.pcpu > 100 || serverProcess.pmem > 100) {

	var serverLoad = {
		date: Date.now(),
		cpuPercent: serverProcess.pcpu,
		memPercent: serverProcess.pmem,
		memVirtual: serverProcess.mem_vsz * 1024,
		memResidentSet: serverProcess.mem_rss * 1024

	this.saveData('serverLoad', serverLoad);

	// Creating empty objects to store moving averages for 1 minute and
	// entire duration as specified by this.durationInMinutes
	var serverLoad1Minute = {
		cpuPercent: 0,
		memPercent: 0,
		memVirtual: 0,
		memResidentSet: 0

	var serverLoadEntireDuration = {
		cpuPercent: 0,
		memPercent: 0,
		memVirtual: 0,
		memResidentSet: 0

		serverLoad1Minute, serverLoadEntireDuration);

  * Computes moving averages (1 minute and a longer duration)
  * @method computeMovingAverages
  * @param {string} metric - metric for which averages are to be computed
  * @param {object} oneMinute - placeholder object for one minute average
  * @param {object} entireDuration - placeholder object for longer duration average
PerformanceManager.prototype.computeMovingAverages = function(metric, oneMinute, entireDuration) {
	// Counter for entries in 1 minute
	var minuteEntries = 0;
	// One minute ago from when the latest data that was recorded
	// in milliseconds
	var oneMinuteAgo = Date.now() - (60 * 1000);

	var property;
	// Compute sum of all entries
	this.performanceMetrics.history[metric].forEach(el => {
		for (property in entireDuration) {
			if (entireDuration.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
				entireDuration[property] = entireDuration[property] + parseInt(el[property]);
				if (el.date > oneMinuteAgo) {
					oneMinute[property] = oneMinute[property] + parseInt(el[property]);
					minuteEntries = minuteEntries + 1;

	// Compute average by dividing by number of entries in the sum
	var entireDurationEntries = this.performanceMetrics.history[metric].length;
	for (property in entireDuration) {
		if (entireDuration.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
			entireDuration[property] = entireDuration[property] / entireDurationEntries;
			oneMinute[property] = oneMinute[property] / minuteEntries;

	// 1min moving average
	this.performanceMetrics.movingAvg1Minute[metric] = oneMinute;
	// Entire duration moving average
	this.performanceMetrics.movingAvgEntireDuration[metric] = entireDuration;

  * Gets current server process load and adds it to a list collected over time
  * also computes moving averages of 1 minute and a longer duration (5 minutes)
  * @method collectMemoryUsage
  * @param {object} data - memory usage data
PerformanceManager.prototype.collectMemoryUsage = function(data) {

	var memUsage = {
		date: Date.now(),
		total:  data.total,  // total memory in bytes
		used:   data.used,   // incl. buffers/cache
		free:   data.free,
		active: data.active  // used actively (excl. buffers/cache)
	this.saveData('memUsage', memUsage);

	// Creating empty objects to store moving averages for 1 minute
	// and entire duration as specified by this.durationInMinutes
	var memUsage1Minute = {
		used: 0,
		free: 0,
		active: 0
	var memUsageEntireDuration = {
		used: 0,
		free: 0,
		active: 0
	this.computeMovingAverages('memUsage', memUsage1Minute, memUsageEntireDuration);

  * Gets current server traffic and adds it to a list collected over time
  * also computes moving averages of 1 minute and a longer duration (5 minutes)
  * @method collectServerTraffic
PerformanceManager.prototype.collectServerTraffic = function() {

	this.saveData('serverTraffic', this.getTrafficData());

	// Creating empty objects to store moving averages for 1 minute
	// and entire duration as specified by this.durationInMinutes
	var serverTraffic1Minute = {
		totalOutBound: 0,
		totalInBound: 0
	var serverTrafficEntireDuration = {
		totalOutBound: 0,
		totalInBound: 0
	this.computeMovingAverages('serverTraffic', serverTraffic1Minute, serverTrafficEntireDuration);

  * Gets current system traffic and adds it to a list collected over time
  * also computes moving averages of 1 minute and a longer duration (5 minutes)
  * @method collectSystemTraffic
PerformanceManager.prototype.collectSystemTraffic = function(data) {
	var systemTraffic = {
		date: Date.now(),
		totalOutBound: data.tx_sec * data.ms / 1000,
		totalInBound: data.rx_sec * data.ms / 1000

	this.saveData('network', systemTraffic);

	// Creating empty objects to store moving averages for 1 minute
	// and entire duration as specified by this.durationInMinutes
	var systemTraffic1Minute = {
		totalOutBound: 0,
		totalInBound: 0
	var systemTrafficEntireDuration = {
		totalOutBound: 0,
		totalInBound: 0
	this.computeMovingAverages('network', systemTraffic1Minute, systemTrafficEntireDuration);

  * Calls all metric collection functions to gather data
  * @method collectMetrics
PerformanceManager.prototype.collectMetrics = function() {
	// CPU Load

	// Server Load

	// Memory usage

	// Network traffic
	if (this.performanceMetrics.staticInformation) {
		var netInterfaces = this.performanceMetrics.staticInformation.net;
		var totalTransferred = {
			tx_sec: 0,
			rx_sec: 0,
			ms: 0
		var count = 0;
		for (var i = 0; i < netInterfaces.length; i++) {
			sysInfo.networkStats(netInterfaces[i].iface, function (data) {
				totalTransferred.tx_sec += data.tx_sec;
				totalTransferred.rx_sec += data.rx_sec;
				totalTransferred.ms += data.ms;
				if (count === netInterfaces.length) {
					totalTransferred.ms /= count;


	module.parent.exports.broadcast('getPerformanceData', {});
	// Disk Usage ?

	// Send some of the data to the performance pages
	// (use the broadcast function from the server)
	module.parent.exports.broadcast('performanceData', {
		appList: 		this.activeWidgets,
		cpuLoad:		this.performanceMetrics.cpuLoad,
		serverLoad:		this.performanceMetrics.serverLoad,
		memUsage:		this.performanceMetrics.memUsage,
		serverTraffic:	this.performanceMetrics.serverTraffic,
		network:		this.performanceMetrics.network,
		displayPerf:	this.clients.performanceMetrics

PerformanceManager.prototype.addDataReceiver = function(id) {

PerformanceManager.prototype.removeDataReceiver = function(id) {
	var idx = this.activeWidgets.indexOf(id);
	if (idx > -1) {
		this.activeWidgets.splice(idx, 1);

PerformanceManager.prototype.saveDisplayPerformanceData = function(id, idx, data) {
	var negLoad = checkForNegatives(data.cpuLoad);
	var negMem = checkForNegatives(data.mem);
	var negClientProc = checkForNegatives(data.processLoad);
	if (negLoad || negMem || negClientProc) {
	var clientSystemLoad = {
		load: data.cpuLoad.raw_currentload,
		idle: data.cpuLoad.raw_currentload_idle
	var clientSystemMem = {
		total:  data.mem.total,  // total memory in bytes
		used:   data.mem.used,   // incl. buffers/cache
		free:   data.mem.free,
		active: data.mem.active  // used actively (excl. buffers/cache)

	var clientProcessLoad = {
		cpuPercent: data.processLoad.cpuPercent,
		memPercent: data.processLoad.memPercent,
		memVirtual: data.processLoad.memVirtual * 1024,
		memResidentSet: data.processLoad.memResidentSet * 1024

	var clientData =  {
		id: id,
		clientID: idx,
		date: Date.now(), // Mark the time for creating a time line
		cpuLoad: clientSystemLoad,
		memUsage: clientSystemMem,
		clientLoad: clientProcessLoad

	var hardwareData = this.clients.hardware.find(function(d) {
		return d.clientID === idx && d.id === id;

	if (hardwareData !== undefined) {
		clientData.hostname = hardwareData.hostname;

	// Duration ago in milliseconds

	var durationAgo = Date.now() - this.durationInMinutes * (60 * 1000);
	// Remove previous entry
	removeObjectsFromArrayOnPropertyValue(this.clients.performanceMetrics, "id", id, 'eq');

	removeObjectsFromArrayOnPropertyValue(this.performanceMetrics.history.clients, "date", durationAgo, 'lt');


function removeObjectsFromArrayOnPropertyValue(array, property, value, condition) {
	// Current value
	var mapFunc;
	switch (condition) {
		case 'lt':
			mapFunc = function(d) {
				if ((d !== null) && (d !== undefined)) {
					return d[property] < value;
				} else {
					return false;
		case 'gt':
			mapFunc = function(d) {
				if ((d !== null) && (d !== undefined)) {
					return d[property] > value;
				} else {
					return false;
		case 'lte':
			mapFunc = function(d) {
				if ((d !== null) && (d !== undefined)) {
					return d[property] <= value;
				} else {
					return false;
		case 'gte':
			mapFunc = function(d) {
				if ((d !== null) && (d !== undefined)) {
					return d[property] >= value;
				} else {
					return false;
		case 'eq':
			mapFunc = function(d) {
				if ((d !== null) && (d !== undefined)) {
					return d[property] === value;
				} else {
					return false;
	var results = array.map(mapFunc);
	var count = 0;
	for (var i = results.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		if (results[i] === true) {
			array.splice(i, 1);
	return count;

  * Saves metric data into current value placeholder and history list
  * @method saveData
  * @param {string} metric - metric for which data is being saved
  * @param {object} data - current metric values obtained
PerformanceManager.prototype.saveData = function(metric, data) {
	// Filter out negative values
	if (checkForNegatives(data) === true) {

	// Current value
	this.performanceMetrics[metric] = data;
	// Add data to the historic list

	// Duration ago in milliseconds
	var durationAgo = Date.now() - this.durationInMinutes * (60 * 1000);
	removeObjectsFromArrayOnPropertyValue(this.performanceMetrics.history[metric], "date", durationAgo, 'lt');

  * Helper function to get a percentage value
  * @method getPercentString
  * @param {number} val - one part(of a total) for which percentage is to be computed
  * @param {number} remaining - remaining part (of the total)
function getPercentString(val, remaining) {
	// Rounding off
	val = parseInt(val);
	remaining = parseInt(remaining);
	var percent = val * 100 / (val + remaining);
	return sprint("%3.0f", percent);

  * Helper function to convert a number to shorter format with
  * appropriate suffix determined (K for Kilo and so on)
  * @method getNiceNumber
  * @param {number} number - large number
  * @param {Boolean} giga - using 1000 or 1024
function getNiceNumber(number, giga) {
	var suffix;
	var idx = 0;
	var base = giga ? 1000 : 1024;
	if (giga) {
		suffix = ['b', 'Kb', 'Mb', 'Gb', 'Tb', 'Pb'];
	} else {
		suffix = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB'];
	while (number > base) {
		number = number / base;
		idx = idx + 1;  // For every 1000 or 1024, a new suffix is chosen
	return {number: number.toFixed(0), suffix: suffix[idx]};

  * Helper function to format memory usage info in a string
  * @method formatMemoryString
  * @param {number} used - amount of memory used
  * @param {number} free - amount of memory free
  * @param {boolean} short - flag to request a short version of the string
function formatMemoryString(used, free, short) {
	var total = used + free;
	var usedPercent = used / total * 100;
	used  = getNiceNumber(used);
	total = getNiceNumber(total);
	usedPercent = sprint('%3.0f', usedPercent);
	var printString;
	if (short === true) {
		printString = usedPercent;
	} else {
		printString = usedPercent + "% ("  + used.number + used.suffix + ") of " +
			total.number + total.suffix;
	return printString;

 * Print a summary of the hardware that the server is running on
 * @method     printServerHardware
PerformanceManager.prototype.printServerHardware = function() {
	var data = this.performanceMetrics.staticInformation;

	// make sure the data has been produced
	if (data) {
		sageutils.log('HW', 'System:', data.system.manufacturer, data.system.model);
		sageutils.log('HW', 'Hostname:', data.hostname);
		sageutils.log('HW', 'OS:', data.os.platform,
			data.os.arch, data.os.distro, data.os.release);
		sageutils.log('HW', 'CPU:', data.cpu.manufacturer, data.cpu.brand,
			data.cpu.speed + 'Ghz', data.cpu.cores + 'cores');
		// Sum up all the memory banks
		var totalMem = data.memLayout.reduce(function(sum, value) {
			return sum + value.size;
		}, 0);
		var memInfo = getNiceNumber(totalMem);
		sageutils.log('HW', 'RAM:', memInfo.number + memInfo.suffix);
		var gpuMem = getNiceNumber(data.graphics.controllers[0].vram);
		// not very good on Linux (need to check nvidia tools)
		sageutils.log('HW', 'GPU:', data.graphics.controllers[0].vendor,
			gpuMem.number + gpuMem.suffix + ' VRAM');

  * Prints different performance metrics to the console
  * @method printMetrics
PerformanceManager.prototype.printMetrics = function() {
	var serverLoad = this.performanceMetrics.serverLoad;
	var serverLoad1MinuteAvg = this.performanceMetrics.movingAvg1Minute.serverLoad;
	var serverLoadEntireDurationAvg = this.performanceMetrics.movingAvgEntireDuration.serverLoad;

	sageutils.log('Perf', "");
	sageutils.log('Perf', "SAGE2 Server");
	sageutils.log('Perf', "------------");
	sageutils.log('Perf', "Load");
	var cpup   = sprint('%3.0f', serverLoad.cpuPercent);
	var cpup1m = sprint('%3.0f', serverLoad1MinuteAvg.cpuPercent);
	var cpupdm = sprint('%3.0f', serverLoadEntireDurationAvg.cpuPercent);

	// Process load
	var printString = "Current: " + cpup + "%\t\t\tAverage (1 min): " + cpup1m + "%"
		+ "\tAverage (" + this.durationInMinutes + " min): " + cpupdm + "%";
	sageutils.log('Perf', printString);

	// Memory load
	sageutils.log('Perf', "Memory");
	var memUsage  = this.performanceMetrics.memUsage;
	var totalMem  = memUsage.used + memUsage.free;
	var memServer = serverLoad.memResidentSet;
	var memServer1m = serverLoad1MinuteAvg.memResidentSet;
	var memServerdm = serverLoadEntireDurationAvg.memResidentSet;
	printString = "Current: " + formatMemoryString(memServer, totalMem - memServer)
		+ "\tAverage (1 min): " + formatMemoryString(memServer1m, totalMem - memServer1m, true) + "%"
		+ "\tAverage (" + this.durationInMinutes + " min): "
		+ formatMemoryString(memServerdm, totalMem - memServerdm, true) + "%";
	sageutils.log('Perf', printString);
	sageutils.log('Perf', "");

	// System load
	sageutils.log('Perf', "System");
	sageutils.log('Perf', "------");

	// CPU load
	sageutils.log('Perf', "Load");
	var cpuLoad = this.performanceMetrics.cpuLoad;
	var cpuLoad1MinuteAvg = this.performanceMetrics.movingAvg1Minute.cpuLoad;
	var cpuLoadEntireDurationAvg = this.performanceMetrics.movingAvgEntireDuration.cpuLoad;
	printString = "Current: " + getPercentString(cpuLoad.load, cpuLoad.idle) + "%"
		+ "\t\t\tAverage (1 min): " + getPercentString(cpuLoad1MinuteAvg.load, cpuLoad1MinuteAvg.idle) + "%"
		+ "\tAverage (" + this.durationInMinutes + " min): "
		+ getPercentString(cpuLoadEntireDurationAvg.load, cpuLoadEntireDurationAvg.idle) + "%";
	sageutils.log('Perf', printString);

	// Memory
	sageutils.log('Perf', "Memory");
	memUsage = this.performanceMetrics.memUsage;
	var memUsage1MinuteAvg = this.performanceMetrics.movingAvg1Minute.memUsage;
	var memUsageEntireDurationAvg = this.performanceMetrics.movingAvgEntireDuration.memUsage;
	printString = "Current: " + formatMemoryString(memUsage.used, memUsage.total - memUsage.used)
		+ "\tAverage (1 min): " + getPercentString(memUsage1MinuteAvg.used, memUsage1MinuteAvg.free) + "%"
		+ "\tAverage (" + this.durationInMinutes + " min): "
		+ getPercentString(memUsageEntireDurationAvg.used, memUsageEntireDurationAvg.free) + "%";
	sageutils.log('Perf', printString);
	sageutils.log('Perf', "");

  * Wraps the WebsocketIO emit and on functions to append size computation of the data
  ** being transferred
  * @method wrapDataTransferFunctions
  * @param {object} WebsocketIO - Websocket object that is responsible to client-server communication

PerformanceManager.prototype.wrapDataTransferFunctions = function(WebsocketIO) {
	// Save performance manager object reference
	var getMessageSize = this.getMessageSize.bind(this);
	// Save the original on function
	var onFunc = WebsocketIO.prototype.on;
	// Wrapper function
	WebsocketIO.prototype.on = function(name, callback) {
		// Reference to wsio object
		var _this = this;
		// New callback function that calls the actual callback and then computes size
		var wrappedCallback = function(obj, data) {
			callback(obj, data);
			getMessageSize(_this, false);
		// Call the original on function with the new callback and return the result
		return onFunc.bind(this)(name, wrappedCallback);

	// Save the original emit function
	var emitFunc = WebsocketIO.prototype.emit;
	// Wrapper function
	WebsocketIO.prototype.emit = function (name, dataString, attempts) {
		// Call the original emit function
		var emitReturnValue = emitFunc.bind(this)(name, dataString, attempts);
		// Compute size
		getMessageSize(this, true);
		// Return the value of the original emit function
		return emitReturnValue;

	// Save the original emitString function
	var emitStringFunc = WebsocketIO.prototype.emitString;
	// Wrapper function
	WebsocketIO.prototype.emitString = function (name, dataString, attempts) {
		// Call the original emitString function
		var emitReturnValue = emitStringFunc.bind(this)(name, dataString, attempts);
		// Compute size
		getMessageSize(this, true);
		// Return the result of the original emitString function
		return emitReturnValue;

PerformanceManager.prototype.getMessageSize = function(wsio, outBound) {
	var size;
	if (outBound === true) {
		if (this.previousBytesWritten[wsio.id]) {
			size = wsio.bytesWritten - this.previousBytesWritten[wsio.id];
		} else {
			size = wsio.bytesWritten;
		this.previousBytesWritten[wsio.id] = wsio.bytesWritten;
		this.trafficData.totalOutBound += size;
	} else {
		if (this.previousBytesWritten[wsio.id]) {
			size = wsio.bytesRead - this.previousBytesRead[wsio.id];
		} else {
			size = wsio.bytesRead;
		this.previousBytesRead[wsio.id] = wsio.bytesRead;
		this.trafficData.totalInBound += size;

  * Computes size of the data being transferred and received through Websockets
  * @method computeMessageSize
  * @param {object} wsio - Websocket object that is responsible to client-server communication
  * @param {object} data - Data being sent or received through sockets
  * @param {boolean} outBound - Flag indicates whether data is outgoing or incoming

PerformanceManager.prototype.computeMessageSize = function(wsio, data, outBound) {

	var obj = null;
	var id = null, size = 0;

	if (Buffer.isBuffer(data) === true) {
		// If data is a Buffer object .length gives its size in bytes
		size = data.length;
	} else if (typeof data === "string") {
		size = Buffer.byteLength(data);
	} else if (data !== null && data !== undefined) { // Data is a json object
		size = Buffer.byteLength(JSON.stringify(data));

	if (this.collectAppSpecificTraffic === true) {
		if (Buffer.isBuffer(data) === true) {
			//Extract the app ID from the data
			id = byteBufferToString(data);
		} else if (typeof data === "string") {
			//String contains a json object, parse it to get app ID
			obj = JSON.parse(data);
			if (obj !== null && obj !== undefined) {
				id = obj.id;
		} else if (data !== null && data !== undefined) {
			// Data is a json object
			id = data.id;
		if (id === undefined || id === null) {
			id = "no_app";

		var clientAppID = wsio.clientID + "_" + id;
		if (this.trafficData.hasOwnProperty(clientAppID) === false) {
			this.trafficData[clientAppID] = {
				appId: id,
				clientID: wsio.clientID,
				clientType: wsio.clientType,
				outBoundSize: 0,
				inBoundSize: 0
		if (outBound === true) {
			this.trafficData[clientAppID].outBound += size;
		} else {
			this.trafficData[clientAppID].inBound += size;
	if (outBound === true) {
		this.trafficData.totalOutBound += size;
	} else {
		this.trafficData.totalInBound += size;

function byteBufferToString(buf) {
	var str = "";
	var i   = 0;
	while (buf[i] !== 0 && i < buf.length) {
		str += String.fromCharCode(buf[i]);
	return str;

  * Retrieves the network traffic data and resets the place holder
  * @method getTrafficData

PerformanceManager.prototype.getTrafficData = function() {
	var temp = this.trafficData;
	this.trafficData = {
		date: Date.now(),
		totalOutBound: 0,
		totalInBound: 0
	return temp;

function checkForNegatives(obj) {
	for (var k in obj) {
		if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
			if (typeof obj[k] === 'number' && isNaN(obj[k]) === false && obj[k] < 0) {
				return true;
	return false;

// export the PerformanceManager class
module.exports = PerformanceManager;