API Docs for: 2.0.0


// SAGE2 is available for use under the SAGE2 Software License
// University of Illinois at Chicago's Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL)
// and University of Hawai'i at Manoa's Laboratory for Advanced Visualization and
// Applications (LAVA)
// See full text, terms and conditions in the LICENSE.txt included file
// Copyright (c) 2014

"use strict";

 * @module client
 * @submodule image_viewer

 * Movie player application, inherits from SAGE2_BlockStreamingApp
 * @class movie_player
var movie_player = SAGE2_BlockStreamingApp.extend({

	* Init method, creates an 'div' tag in the DOM
	* @method init
	* @param data {Object} contains initialization values (id, width, height, ...)
	init: function(data) {


		// Keep a copy of the title string
		this.title = data.title;

		// command variables
		this.shouldSendCommands = false;
		this.shouldReceiveCommands = false;

	* Builds the widgets to control the movie player
	* @method initWidgets
	initWidgets: function() {
		var _this = this;

		this.loopBtn = this.controls.addButton({
			identifier: "Loop",
			type: "loop",
			position: 11

		this.muteBtn = this.controls.addButton({
			identifier: "Mute",
			type: "mute",
			position: 9

		this.playPauseBtn = this.controls.addButton({
			identifier: "PlayPause",
			type: "play-pause",
			position: 5
		this.stopBtn = this.controls.addButton({
			identifier: "Stop",
			type: "rewind",
			position: 3

			identifier: "Seek",
			minimum: 0,
			maximum: this.state.numframes - 1,
			increments: 1,
			property: "this.state.frame",
			labelFormatFunction: function(value, end) {
				var duration = parseInt(1000 * (value / _this.state.framerate), 10);
				return formatHHMMSS(duration);


		// Calculate human readable string for the length of the video
		var clipLength = this.state.numframes / this.state.framerate;
		this.lengthString = formatHHMMSS(1000 * clipLength);

		setTimeout(function() {
			_this.muteBtn.state      = _this.state.muted  ? 0 : 1;
			_this.loopBtn.state      = _this.state.looped ? 0 : 1;
			_this.playPauseBtn.state = _this.state.paused ? 0 : 1;
		}, 500);

	* Set to movie player to a given frame
	* @method setVideoFrame
	* @param frameIdx {Number} change the current frame number
	setVideoFrame: function(frameIdx) {
		this.state.frame = frameIdx;

	* Pause the movie if not in loop mode
	* @method videoEnded
	videoEnded: function() {
		if (this.state.looped === false) {
		} else if (this.shouldSendCommands) {
			wsio.emit("serverDataSetValue", {
				nameOfValue: "videoSyncCommandVariable",
				value: {
					command: "seek",
					timestamp: 0,
					frame: 0,
					framerate: this.state.framerate,
					play: false
				description: "This variable contains the last send command"

	* Load the app from a previous state and builds the widgets
	* @method load
	* @param date {Date} time from the server
	load: function(date) {

	* Overloading the postDraw call to update the title
	* @method postDraw
	* @param date {Date} current time from the server
	postDraw: function(date) {
		this.prevDate = date;

		// new code: put current time in title bar
		var duration = parseInt(1000 * (this.state.frame / this.state.framerate), 10);
		var current  = formatHHMMSS(duration);

		// modified to have (frame) [(Sending / Receiving Commands)]
		if (this.shouldSendCommands) {
			this.updateTitle(this.title + " - " + current + "(f:" + this.state.frame + ")(Sending Commands)");
		} else if (this.shouldReceiveCommands) {
			this.updateTitle(this.title + " - " + current + "(f:" + this.state.frame + ")(Receiving Commands)");
		} else {
			// Default mode: show current time and duration
			this.updateTitle(this.title + " - " + current + " / " + this.lengthString);
			// var currentFrame = Math.floor(this.state.frame % this.state.framerate) + 1;

	* Toggle between play and pause
	* @method togglePlayPause
	togglePlayPause: function(date) {
		if (this.state.paused === true) {
			if (isMaster) {
				// Trying to sync
				wsio.emit('updateVideoTime', {
					id: this.div.id,
					timestamp: (this.state.frame / this.state.framerate),
					play: true
				// wsio.emit('playVideo', {id: this.div.id});

				// if this is a sender, also send the command to the server holding variable
				if (this.shouldSendCommands) {
					wsio.emit("serverDataSetValue", {
						nameOfValue: "videoSyncCommandVariable",
						value: {
							command: "play",
							timestamp: (this.state.frame / this.state.framerate),
							frame: this.state.frame,
							framerate: this.state.framerate
						description: "This variable contains the last send command"
			this.state.paused = false;
		} else {
			if (isMaster) {
				wsio.emit('pauseVideo', {id: this.div.id});

				// if this is a sender, also send the command to the server holding variable
				if (this.shouldSendCommands) {
					wsio.emit("serverDataSetValue", {
						nameOfValue: "videoSyncCommandVariable",
						value: {
							command: "pause",
							timestamp: (this.state.frame / this.state.framerate),
							frame: this.state.frame,
							framerate: this.state.framerate
						description: "This variable contains the last send command"
			this.state.paused = true;
		this.playPauseBtn.state = (this.state.paused) ? 0 : 1;

	* Toggle between mute and unmute
	* @method toggleMute
	toggleMute: function(date) {
		if (this.state.muted === true) {
			if (isMaster) {
				wsio.emit('unmuteVideo', {id: this.div.id});
			this.state.muted = false;
		} else {
			if (isMaster) {
				wsio.emit('muteVideo', {id: this.div.id});
			this.state.muted = true;
		this.muteBtn.state = (this.state.muted) ? 0 : 1;

	* Toggle between looping and not looping
	* @method toggleLoop
	toggleLoop: function(date) {
		if (this.state.looped === true) {
			if (isMaster) {
				wsio.emit('loopVideo', {id: this.div.id, loop: false});
			this.state.looped = false;
		} else {
			if (isMaster) {
				wsio.emit('loopVideo', {id: this.div.id, loop: true});
			this.state.looped = true;
		this.loopBtn.state = (this.state.looped) ? 0 : 1;

	stopVideo: function() {
		if (isMaster) {
			wsio.emit('stopVideo', {id: this.div.id});

			// if this is a sender, also send the command to the server holding variable
			if (this.shouldSendCommands) {
				wsio.emit("serverDataSetValue", {
					nameOfValue: "videoSyncCommandVariable",
					value: {
						command: "stop",
						timestamp: (this.state.frame / this.state.framerate),
						frame: this.state.frame,
						framerate: this.state.framerate
					description: "This variable contains the last send command"
		this.state.paused = true;
		// must change play-pause button (should show 'play' icon)
		this.playPauseBtn.state = 0;

	* To enable right click context menu support this function needs to be present with this format.
	* Must return an array of entries. An entry is an object with three properties:
	*	description: what is to be displayed to the viewer.
	*	callback: String containing the name of the function to activate in the app. It must exist.
	*	parameters: an object with specified datafields to be given to the function.
	*		The following attributes will be automatically added by server.
	*			serverDate, on the return back, server will fill this with time object.
	*			clientId, unique identifier (ip and port) for the client that selected entry.
	*			clientName, the name input for their pointer. Note: users are not required to do so.
	*			clientInput, if entry is marked as input, the value will be in this property. See pdf_viewer.js for example.
	*		Further parameters can be added. See pdf_view.js for example.
	getContextEntries: function() {
		var entries = [];
		var entry;

		if (this.state.paused) {
			entry = {};
			entry.description = "Play";
			entry.accelerator = "P";
			entry.callback = "contextTogglePlayPause";
			entry.parameters = {};
		} else {
			entry = {};
			entry.description = "Pause";
			entry.accelerator = "P";
			entry.callback = "contextTogglePlayPause";
			entry.parameters = {};

		entry = {};
		entry.description = "Stop";
		entry.accelerator = "S";
		entry.callback = "stopVideo";
		entry.parameters = {};

		entry = {};
		entry.description = "separator";

		if (this.state.muted) {
			entry = {};
			entry.description = "Unmute";
			entry.callback = "contextToggleMute";
			entry.accelerator = "M";
			entry.parameters = {};
		} else {
			entry = {};
			entry.description = "Mute";
			entry.accelerator = "M";
			entry.callback = "contextToggleMute";
			entry.parameters = {};

		if (this.state.looped) {
			entry = {};
			entry.description = "Stop looping";
			entry.accelerator = "L";
			entry.callback = "toggleLoop";
			entry.parameters = {};
		} else {
			entry = {};
			entry.description = "Loop video";
			entry.accelerator = "L";
			entry.callback = "toggleLoop";
			entry.parameters = {};

		// If a sender, then have access to additional command, step forward and step back.
		if (this.shouldSendCommands) {
			entry = {};
			entry.description = "separator";

			entry = {};
			entry.description = "< Step back";
			entry.callback = "contextVideoSyncStep";
			entry.parameters = {
				step: "back"

			entry = {};
			entry.description = "> Step forward";
			entry.callback = "contextVideoSyncStep";
			entry.parameters = {
				step: "forward"

		entry = {};
		entry.description = "separator";

		// Special callback: dowload the file
			description: "Download video",
			callback: "SAGE2_download",
			parameters: {
				url: this.state.video_url
			description: "Copy URL",
			callback: "SAGE2_copyURL",
			parameters: {
				url: this.state.video_url

		return entries;

	* Calls togglePlayPause passing the given time.
	* @method contextTogglePlayPause
	* @param responseObject {Object} contains response from entry selection
	contextTogglePlayPause: function(responseObject) {
		this.togglePlayPause(new Date(responseObject.serverDate));

	* Calls togglePlayPause passing the given time.
	* @method contextToggleMute
	* @param responseObject {Object} contains response from entry selection
	contextToggleMute: function(responseObject) {
		this.toggleMute(new Date(responseObject.serverDate));

	* Sets variables necessary sending or receiving of commands.
	* A player can send or receive, but not both.
	* @method contextVideoSyncHandler
	* @param responseObject {Object} contains response from entry selection
	contextVideoSyncHandler: function(responseObject) {
		if (responseObject.send) {
			this.shouldSendCommands = true;
			this.shouldReceiveCommands = false;
			// no purpose behind this other than to ensure variable exists after a sender is specified.
			wsio.emit("serverDataSetValue", {
				nameOfValue: "videoSyncCommandVariable",
				value: {
					command: "newSender",
					timestamp: (this.state.frame / this.state.framerate),
					frame: this.state.frame,
					framerate: this.state.framerate
				description: "This variable contains the last send command"
		} else if (responseObject.receive) {
			this.shouldSendCommands = false;
			this.shouldReceiveCommands = true;

			wsio.emit("serverDataSubscribeToValue", {
				nameOfValue: "videoSyncCommandVariable",
				app: this.id,
				func: "videoSyncCommandHandler",
				description: "This variable contains the last send command"

		} else {
			this.shouldSendCommands = false;
			this.shouldReceiveCommands = false;

	* Initiates a step and pauses.
	* @method contextVideoSyncStep
	* @param responseObject {Object} contains response from entry selection
	contextVideoSyncStep: function(responseObject) {
		var timestampToSend;
		var shouldSendTimeUpdate = false;

		if (responseObject.step == "back") {
			shouldSendTimeUpdate = true;
			if (this.state.frame == 0) { // if at 0, they go to last frame.
				timestampToSend = this.state.numframes / this.state.framerate;
			} else { // else frame is > 0
				timestampToSend = this.state.frame - this.state.framerate;
				if (timestampToSend < 0) { // stepping always stops at 0 before wrap around.
					timestampToSend = 0;
				} else { // non zero means calc its time.
					timestampToSend = timestampToSend / this.state.framerate;
		} else if (responseObject.step == "forward") {
			shouldSendTimeUpdate = true;
			if (this.state.frame == this.state.numframes) { // if at last frame, wrap around
				timestampToSend = 0;
			} else { // else frame is < max
				timestampToSend = this.state.frame + this.state.framerate;
				if (timestampToSend > this.state.numframes) { // stepping always stops at max before wrap
					timestampToSend = this.state.numframes / this.state.framerate;
				} else { // if not max, then calc
					timestampToSend = timestampToSend / this.state.framerate;

		// steps must be forward or back.
		if (shouldSendTimeUpdate) {
			wsio.emit('updateVideoTime', {
				id: this.div.id,
				timestamp: timestampToSend,
				play: false

			wsio.emit("serverDataSetValue", {
				nameOfValue: "videoSyncCommandVariable",
				value: {
					command: "seek",
					timestamp: timestampToSend,
					frame: this.state.frame,
					framerate: this.state.framerate,
					play: false
				description: "This variable contains the last send command"

	* Assumes that the update value is an object with properties:
	*		command
	*		timestamp
	*		frame
	*		framerate
	* @method videoSyncCommandHandler
	* @param valueUpdate {Object} contains last sent command
	videoSyncCommandHandler: function(valueUpdate) {
		var playStatusToSend = false;
		var timestampToSend = valueUpdate.timestamp;
		var shouldSendTimeUpdate = false;

		if (valueUpdate.command == "play") {
			playStatusToSend = true;
			this.playPauseBtn.state = 1; // show stop
			shouldSendTimeUpdate = true;
		} else if (valueUpdate.command == "pause") {
			playStatusToSend = false;
			this.playPauseBtn.state = 0; // show play
			shouldSendTimeUpdate = true;
		} else if (valueUpdate.command == "stop") {
			playStatusToSend = false;
			timestampToSend = 0;
			this.playPauseBtn.state = 0; // show play
			shouldSendTimeUpdate = true;
		} else if (valueUpdate.command == "seek") {
			this.state.playAfterSeek = valueUpdate.play;
			playStatusToSend = valueUpdate.play;
			this.playPauseBtn.state = playStatusToSend ? 1 : 0;
			shouldSendTimeUpdate = true;

		if (shouldSendTimeUpdate) {
			wsio.emit('updateVideoTime', {
				id: this.div.id,
				timestamp: timestampToSend,
				play: playStatusToSend

	* Handles event processing, arrow keys to navigate, and r to redraw
	* @method event
	* @param eventType {String} the type of event
	* @param position {Object} contains the x and y positions of the event
	* @param user_id {Object} data about the user who triggered the event
	* @param data {Object} object containing extra data about the event,
	* @param date {Date} current time from the server
	event: function(eventType, position, user, data, date) {
		if (eventType === "keyboard") {
			if (data.character === " ") {
			} else if (data.character === "l") {
			} else if (data.character === "m") {
				// m mute
				if (this.state.muted === true) {
					if (isMaster) {
						wsio.emit('unmuteVideo', {id: this.div.id});
					this.state.muted = false;
				} else {
					if (isMaster) {
						wsio.emit('muteVideo', {id: this.div.id});
					this.state.muted = true;
			} else if (data.character === "1" || data.character === "s") {
				// 1 start of video
		} else if (eventType === "specialKey") {
			if (data.code === 80 && data.state === "up") { // P key
		} else if (eventType === "widgetEvent") {
			switch (data.identifier) {
				case "Loop":
				case "Mute":
				case "PlayPause":
				case "Stop":
				case "Seek":
					switch (data.action) {
						case "sliderLock":
							if (this.state.paused === false) {
								if (isMaster) {
									wsio.emit('pauseVideo', {id: this.div.id});
							} else {
								this.state.playAfterSeek = false;
						case "sliderUpdate":
						case "sliderRelease":
							if (isMaster) {
								wsio.emit('updateVideoTime', {
									id: this.div.id,
									timestamp: (this.state.frame / this.state.framerate),
									play: !this.state.paused
								if (this.shouldSendCommands) {
									wsio.emit("serverDataSetValue", {
										nameOfValue: "videoSyncCommandVariable",
										value: {
											command: "seek",
											timestamp: (this.state.frame / this.state.framerate),
											frame: this.state.frame,
											framerate: this.state.framerate,
											play: !this.state.paused
										description: "This variable contains the last send command"
					console.log("No handler for:", data.identifier);