This module has the following classes:
- Asset
- CoordinateCalculator
- exiftool
- generate-service-worker
- HttpServer
- InteractableManager
- Interaction
- LiveVideoDecoder
- node-assets
- node-logger
- node-utils
- OmicronManager
- oneEuroFilter
- Partition
- PartitionList
- pixelblock
- RadialMenu
- SAGE2ItemList
- SAGE2Logger
- SagePointer
- server
- SharedServerDataManager
- StickyItems
- UserList
- VoiceActionManager
- WebsocketIO
- WebsocketIOServer
This module has the following submodules:
- coordinateCalculator
Calculate intersection of ray and cylinder for CAVE2
- DrawingManager
Module for whiteboard app
- exiftool
Metadata processing using ExifTool ExifTool by Phil Harvey:
- generate-service-worker.js`
Generate a pre-caching service worker
- httpserver
SAGE2 HTTP handlers
- Interactable
object to check for intersections on interactable geometry
- interaction
- itemLoader
Main module loading content and creating applications
- livevideodecoder
Live decoding of video using the fluent-ffmpeg package (not used anymore)
- node-assets
Asset management functions for SAGE2 server
- node-logger
Provides logging ability for the SAGE2 server
- node-utils
Provides utility functions for the SAGE2 server
- omicron
Omicron connection module for SAGE2 Provides external input device support
- oneEuroFilter
Class describing a filter
- Partition
Partitioning of SAGE2 Apps into groups
- PartitionList
List structure containing Partitions (groups) of Apps
- pixelblock
Pixel block processing functions
- registry
Mime type association for files and applications
- SAGE2ItemList
object to check for intersections on interactable geometry
- sagepointer
SAGE pointer object
- server-core
SAGE2 server
- stickyitems
Implements sticky notes for SAGE2
- userlist
Handles users and storage to database as well as user roles and permissions
- WebsocketIO
Lightweight object around websocket, handles string and binary communication
Module description found: