// SAGE2 is available for use under the SAGE2 Software License
// University of Illinois at Chicago's Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL)
// and University of Hawai'i at Manoa's Laboratory for Advanced Visualization and
// Applications (LAVA)
// See full text, terms and conditions in the LICENSE.txt included file
// Copyright (c) 2015
/* global interactMgr */
* List structure containing Partitions (groups) of Apps
* @module server
* @submodule PartitionList
* @requires node-partition
* @requires node-interactable
// require variables to be declared
"use strict";
var Partition = require('./node-partition');
var InteractableManager = require('./node-interactable');
* @class PartitionList
* @constructor
function PartitionList(config) {
this.list = {};
this.count = 0;
this.totalCreated = 0;
this.configuration = config;
this.minSize = {
width: Math.round(config.ui.titleBarHeight) * (300 / 235) * 6, // 4 buttons + some padding in between
height: config.ui.titleBarHeight * 4 // titlebar + some height for inside of partition
this.defaultColors = [
this.interactable = new InteractableManager();
* Create a new partition from a set of dimensions
* @param {object} dims - Dimensions of the Partition
* @param {number} dims.left - Coordinate of left side of Partition
* @param {number} - Coordinate of Top side of Partition
* @param {number} dims.width - Width of the Partition
* @param {number} dims.height - Height of the partition
PartitionList.prototype.newPartition = function(dims, iMgr, color) {
if (this.count <= 20) {
// give the partition a unique ID
var newID = "ptn_" + this.totalCreated;
var newColor = color || [40, 200, 220]; // default color
// add new partition to list
this.list[newID] = new Partition(dims, newID, newColor, this);
this.createPartitionGeometries(newID, iMgr);
// return new partition for use by other methods
return this.list[newID];
} else {
return null;
* Create a new partition from a list of apps
* @param {array} items - A list of items from which to create the Partition
PartitionList.prototype.newBoundingPartition = function(items) {
var bounds = {
xMin: Infinity,
yMin: Infinity,
xMax: -Infinity,
yMax: -Infinity
// calculate outer bounding box of items
items.forEach((el) => {
// calculate left edge
if (el.left < bounds.xMin) {
bounds.xMin = el.left;
// calculate top edge
if ( < bounds.yMin) {
bounds.yMin =;
// calculate right edge
if (el.left + el.width > bounds.xMax) {
bounds.xMax = el.left + el.width;
// calculate bottom edge
if ( + el.height > bounds.yMax) {
bounds.yMax = + el.height;
// add 10 unit padding to edges of partiton
bounds.xMin -= 10;
bounds.yMin -= 10;
bounds.xMax += 10;
bounds.yMax += 10;
// create new partition of dimensions of bounding box
var partition = new Partition({
left: bounds.xMin,
top: bounds.yMin,
width: bounds.xMax - bounds.xMin,
height: bounds.yMax - bounds.yMin
// add children to new partition automatically
items.forEach((el) => {
* Create a new partition by dimensions
* @param {string} id - id of the Partition to remove
PartitionList.prototype.removePartition = function(id) {
if (this.list.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
// remove all children from the partition
// delete reference of partition
delete this.list[id];
* Create a new partition by dimensions
* @param {string} childID - id of the Child to remove
* @param {string} partitionID - id of the Partition from which to remove the Child
PartitionList.prototype.removeChildFromPartition = function(childID, partitionID) {
return this.list[partitionID].releaseChild(childID);
* Update partitions based on item which was moved
* @param {object} item - The item which was moved
PartitionList.prototype.updateOnItemRelease = function(item, pointer) {
var newPartitionID = this.calculateNewPartition(item, pointer);
// console.log(item);
if (newPartitionID !== null) {
if (item.partition && === newPartitionID) {
// stay in same partition, update relative position
return this.list[newPartitionID].updateChild(;
} else {
return this.list[newPartitionID].addChild(item);
} else {
if (item.partition) {
return this.removeChildFromPartition(,;
return [];
* Calculate which partition an item falls into
* @param {object} item - The item which was moved
PartitionList.prototype.calculateNewPartition = function(item, pointer) {
// check partitions to find if item falls into one
var partitionIDs = Object.keys(this.list);
var closestID = null;
var closestDistance = Infinity;
var itemCenter = {
x: item.left + item.width / 2,
y: + item.height / 2
let decisionCoord = pointer || itemCenter;
// check if item falls into any partition
partitionIDs.forEach((el) => {
var ptn = this.list[el];
// the centroid of the item must be within the bounds of the partition
if ((decisionCoord.x >= ptn.left) && (decisionCoord.x <= ptn.left + ptn.width) &&
(decisionCoord.y >= && (decisionCoord.y <= + ptn.height)) {
// the centroid of the item is inside the partition
// if the partition is the parent automatically remain inside
if (item.partition && item.partition === el) {
// negative distance will always be the minimum number
closestID = el;
closestDistance = -1;
// calculate center point of partition
var partitionCenter = {
x: ptn.left + ptn.width / 2,
y: + ptn.height / 2
// calculate distance between item centroid and partition centroid
var distance = Math.sqrt(
Math.pow(decisionCoord.x - partitionCenter.x, 2) +
Math.pow(decisionCoord.y - partitionCenter.y, 2)
if (distance < closestDistance) {
closestID = el;
closestDistance = distance;
}); // end partitionIDs.forEach(...)
return closestID;
* Retrieve a list of partitions which are neighbors to a partition,
* along with the information of the side
* @param {string} ptnID - The Partition for which we are finding neighbors
PartitionList.prototype.findNeighbors = function(ptnID) {
if (this.list.hasOwnProperty(ptnID)) {
let neighbors = {};
let thisPtn = this.list[ptnID];
let distanceTolerance = 25;
let titleBar = this.configuration.ui.titleBarHeight;
for (let id of Object.keys(this.list).filter(id => id !== ptnID)) {
var ptn = this.list[id];
// only if the other partition is snapping as well
if (ptn.isSnapping) {
let anyAdjacent = false;
let adjacentSides = {
left: null,
right: null,
top: null,
bottom: null
// check top against top and bottom of other (can't be both, only one or the other)
if (Math.abs( - ( + ptn.height + titleBar)) < distanceTolerance) { = "bottom";
anyAdjacent = true;
} else if (Math.abs( - < distanceTolerance) { = "top";
anyAdjacent = true;
// check bottom against top and bottom of other
if (Math.abs(( + thisPtn.height + titleBar) - < distanceTolerance) {
adjacentSides.bottom = "top";
anyAdjacent = true;
} else if (Math.abs(( + thisPtn.height) - ( + ptn.height)) < distanceTolerance) {
adjacentSides.bottom = "bottom";
anyAdjacent = true;
// check left against left and right of other
if (Math.abs(thisPtn.left - (ptn.left + ptn.width)) < distanceTolerance) {
adjacentSides.left = "right";
anyAdjacent = true;
} else if (Math.abs(thisPtn.left - ptn.left) < distanceTolerance) {
adjacentSides.left = "left";
anyAdjacent = true;
// check right against left and right of other
if (Math.abs((thisPtn.left + thisPtn.width) - ptn.left) < distanceTolerance) {
adjacentSides.right = "left";
anyAdjacent = true;
} else if (Math.abs((thisPtn.left + thisPtn.width) - (ptn.left + ptn.width)) < distanceTolerance) {
adjacentSides.right = "right";
anyAdjacent = true;
// if any of the sides of the other partition are adjacent to this partition,
// add to list of neighbors
if (anyAdjacent) {
neighbors[] = adjacentSides;
} // end if (ptn.isSnapping ...
} // end for (let ptn of ...
return neighbors;
return [];
* Update the neighbors of a Partition, as well as update the Partition's neighbors
* as well.
* @param {string} ptnID - The Partition for which we are updating neighbors
PartitionList.prototype.updateNeighbors = function(ptnID) {
if (this.list.hasOwnProperty(ptnID)) {
// update neighbors of selected partition
// reset snapping flags for sides of screen
this.list[ptnID].snapTop = false;
this.list[ptnID].snapRight = false;
this.list[ptnID].snapBottom = false;
this.list[ptnID].snapLeft = false;
if (this.list[ptnID].isSnapping) {
// find all neighbors
this.list[ptnID].neighbors = this.findNeighbors(ptnID);
// update its neighbors to correctly include the new partition
for (let nID of Object.keys(this.list[ptnID].neighbors)) {
let neighbor = this.list[nID];
// inefficient but a partition may have been deleted, so recalculate from remaining group
neighbor.neighbors = this.findNeighbors(nID);
if (Math.abs(this.list[ptnID].top - (this.configuration.ui.titleBarHeight)) < 25) {
this.list[ptnID].snapTop = true;
if (Math.abs(this.list[ptnID].left + this.list[ptnID].width - this.configuration.totalWidth) < 25) {
this.list[ptnID].snapRight = true;
if (Math.abs(this.list[ptnID].top + this.list[ptnID].height +
this.configuration.ui.titleBarHeight - this.configuration.totalHeight) < 25) {
this.list[ptnID].snapBottom = true;
if (Math.abs(this.list[ptnID].left) < 25) {
this.list[ptnID].snapLeft = true;
// return ID of neighbors to update
return Object.keys(this.list[ptnID].neighbors);
} else {
// if it is no longer a snapping partition, remove itself from neighbors' lists
let updatedNeighbors = Object.keys(this.list[ptnID].neighbors);
for (let nID of updatedNeighbors) {
let neighbor = this.list[nID];
if (neighbor.neighbors[ptnID]) {
delete neighbor.neighbors[ptnID];
this.list[ptnID].neighbors = null;
// return ID of neighbors to update
return updatedNeighbors;
/* **************************************************** */
/* Methods using node-interactable for user interaction */
* Create the geometries for a new partition when it is created
* @param {string} newID - the ID of the partiton whos geometries will be updated
PartitionList.prototype.createPartitionGeometries = function(newID, iMgr) {
// Add new partition to global interactMgr
var newPtn = this.list[newID];
var titleBarHeight = this.configuration.ui.titleBarHeight;
// TODO: change ui title bar height
var zIndex = this.count;
iMgr.addGeometry(newID, "partitions", "rectangle", {
x: newPtn.left,
w: newPtn.width,
h: newPtn.height + titleBarHeight
}, true, zIndex, newPtn);
// Add geometries to this interactable
this.interactable.addLayer(newID, 0);
var cornerSize = 0.2 * Math.min(newPtn.width, newPtn.height);
var oneButton = Math.round(titleBarHeight) * (300 / 235);
var buttonsPad = 0.1 * oneButton;
var startButtons = newPtn.width - Math.round(2 * oneButton + 2 * buttonsPad);
// add controls for partition
this.addButtonToItem(newID, "titleBar", "rectangle",
{x: 0, y: 0, w: newPtn.width, h: titleBarHeight}, 0);
this.addButtonToItem(newID, "tileButton", "rectangle",
{x: 0 + (1 * (buttonsPad + oneButton)), y: 0, w: oneButton, h: titleBarHeight}, 1);
this.addButtonToItem(newID, "clearButton", "rectangle",
{x: 0, y: 0, w: oneButton, h: titleBarHeight}, 1);
this.addButtonToItem(newID, "fullscreenButton", "rectangle",
{x: startButtons, y: 0, w: oneButton, h: titleBarHeight}, 1);
this.addButtonToItem(newID, "closeButton", "rectangle",
{x: startButtons + (1 * (buttonsPad + oneButton)), y: 0, w: oneButton, h: titleBarHeight}, 1);
this.addButtonToItem(newID, "dragCorner", "rectangle",
{x: newPtn.width - cornerSize,
y: newPtn.height + titleBarHeight - cornerSize, w: cornerSize, h: cornerSize}, 2);
* Update the geometries of an item on resize
* @param {string} ptnID - the ID of the partiton whos geometries will be updated
PartitionList.prototype.updatePartitionGeometries = function(ptnID, iMgr) {
// edit geometries of moved/resized partition
var thisPtn = this.list[ptnID];
var titleBarHeight = this.configuration.ui.titleBarHeight;
var cornerSize = 0.2 * Math.min(thisPtn.width, thisPtn.height);
var oneButton = Math.round(titleBarHeight) * (300 / 235);
var buttonsPad = 0.1 * oneButton;
var startButtons = thisPtn.width - Math.round(2 * oneButton + 2 * buttonsPad);
iMgr.editGeometry(ptnID, "partitions", "rectangle", {
x: thisPtn.left, y:,
w: thisPtn.width, h: thisPtn.height + titleBarHeight});
this.editButtonOnItem(ptnID, "titleBar", "rectangle",
{x: 0, y: 0, w: thisPtn.width, h: titleBarHeight}, 0);
this.editButtonOnItem(ptnID, "tileButton", "rectangle",
{x: 0 + (1 * (buttonsPad + oneButton)), y: 0, w: oneButton, h: titleBarHeight}, 1);
this.editButtonOnItem(ptnID, "clearButton", "rectangle",
{x: 0, y: 0, w: oneButton, h: titleBarHeight}, 1);
this.editButtonOnItem(ptnID, "fullscreenButton", "rectangle",
{x: startButtons, y: 0, w: oneButton, h: titleBarHeight}, 1);
this.editButtonOnItem(ptnID, "closeButton", "rectangle",
{x: startButtons + (1 * (buttonsPad + oneButton)), y: 0, w: oneButton, h: titleBarHeight}, 1);
this.editButtonOnItem(ptnID, "dragCorner", "rectangle",
{x: thisPtn.width - cornerSize,
y: thisPtn.height + titleBarHeight - cornerSize, w: cornerSize, h: cornerSize}, 2);
* Add an interactable button to a partition in the list
* @method addButtonToItem
* @param id {String} id of partition
* @param buttonId {String} id of button
* @param type {String} "rectangle" or "circle"
* @param geometry {Object} defines button (rectangle = {x: , y: , w: , h: }, circle = {x: , y: , r: })
PartitionList.prototype.addButtonToItem = function(id, buttonId, type, geometry, zIndex) {
this.interactable.addGeometry(buttonId, id, type, geometry, true, zIndex, null);
* Edit an interactable button for an item in the list
* @method editButtonOnItem
* @param id {String} id of item
* @param buttonId {String} id of button
* @param type {String} "rectangle" or "circle"
* @param geometry {Object} defines button (rectangle = {x: , y: , w: , h: }, circle = {x: , y: , r: })
PartitionList.prototype.editButtonOnItem = function(id, buttonId, type, geometry) {
this.interactable.editGeometry(buttonId, id, type, geometry);
* Edit visibility for an interactable button for an item in the list
* @method editButtonVisibilityOnItem
* @param id {String} id of item
* @param buttonId {String} id of button
* @param visible {Boolean} whether or not the button is visible
PartitionList.prototype.editButtonVisibilityOnItem = function(id, buttonId, visible) {
this.interactable.editVisibility(buttonId, id, visible);
* Test to see which button is under a given point
* @method findButtonByPoint
* @param id {String} id of item
* @param point {Object} {x: , y: }
* @return button {Object} button under the point
PartitionList.prototype.findButtonByPoint = function(id, point) {
return this.interactable.searchGeometry(point, id);
module.exports = PartitionList;